when the party's over

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beautyqueen: nico, i fucked up

deathboi: wdym

deathboi: fucked up how?

beautyqueen: well, so, me and annabeth were cleaning after the party and she asked me why i was avoiding her. i told her that idk why i was, which was the truth and she didn't believe me. and she started crying and wanted me to tell her what she did wrong but she did nothing wrong and it was just me being a lesbian who is in love with her. but i can't say that. then she was upset bc she thought i was mad at her and not telling her why i was so she left

deathboi: wow this sounds bad

beautyqueen: i know!

beautyqueen: what do i do? nico please help me

deathboi: you're not going to like this idea

beautyqueen: just tell me

deathboi: tell her the truth

beautyqueen: i can't do that

deathboi: yes you can. you need to anyway

beautyqueen: ugh you're right

beautyqueen: why are you always right?

deathboi: bc i am 😌

beautyqueen: so do i just text her my feelings or-?

deathboi: no. ask her to meet you up and then tell her

beautyqueen: that seems hard

deathboi: i'm sure it is. ask will how hard it was to ask me out

beautyqueen: ok hold on


beautyqueen: hey will

sunshine: hi

beautyqueen: can i ask you something?

sunshine: sure

beautyqueen: ok, so, um how hard was it to ask nico out?

sunshine: um idk. it wasn't to bad. like ripping a bandaid off

beautyqueen: ok um how'd you do it?

sunshine: oh well, i told him to meet up in our secret hideout and i bought him his favorite flowers and i just told him that i have a crush on him. then we kissed

beautyqueen: wow that's a very simple version of how you got together

sunshine: yeah but yk the whole story so why would i go into detail. 

beautyqueen: yeah ig

sunshine: so what u should do to confess your undying love for annabeth is to take her to her favorite place and buy her favorite flower. then tell her you love her

beautyqueen: ok i can do that

beautyqueen: i'm going to confess to annabeth chase

sunshine: finally

beautyqueen: hey! im lesbian and talking to pretty girls is difficult for us

sunshine: sorry sorry. i hope it goes well!

beautyqueen: thanks


a/n: surprise! i had a lot of free time so i was able to finish this chapter! 

next chapter is going to be annabeth being upset with piper. so yeah

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