will's birthday

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(Ack! i forgot to post this. just please note the date is may 26. ok? ok)

Today was Will's birthday and Nico doesn't know what to do. Obviously, he doesn't want to do something big. And in all honesty, Nico is pretty sure that Will didn't even want to celebrate it. But Nico setting everything up anyway, maybe seeing his friends would make Will feel a little better.

Nico texted all of Will's close friends, which includes Rachel, Annabeth, and Piper. Those three came early to help him.

An hour later, the rest of the guest came in. Kayla and Austin walked in first. Then, the Stolls, Clarisse and her boyfriend Chris Rodriguez. Finally, Lou Ellen and Cecil. They were bickering when Nico opened, but quickly stopped when they noticed Nico standing there.

"Nico! It's great to see you!" Lou Ellen said, hugging Nico. Which he happily hugged back.

"Yeah! How long has it been? 10 years?" Cecil said, laughing.

"Calm your tits Cecil, it's only been a year." Lou lightly bumped him with her hip.

"A very long year."

Lou Ellen rolled her eyes.

"Come in guys. I don't think my neighbors appreciate you two arguing." Nico said.

They walk inside, setting the presents they brought down with the others. Cecil started talking to Conner and Lou Ellen went over to talk to Piper.

"So," Clarisse started from behind Nico, making him jump. "When's Will getting here?"

"Um he said he'll be here in 20 minutes." He responded. Clarisse nodded and walk off.


True to his word, Will arrives 20 minutes later. Mainly because Nico said he had something for him and that Will needed to be there ASAP. Of course, he kind of thought it was going something sexual, so you bet your ass he was very confuse when he opened the door.

When Will walked in, he saw balloons and an a 'happy birthday' banner hanged up. He furrow his brows, trying to remember who's birthday it was and when he agreed to celebrate it in their apartment.

Oh, Will thought. It's my birthday. Rachel was right, I am a himbo.

"Nico!" Will called. He heard whispering from the kitchen. Soon the small boy rushed in, engulfing Will in a hug.

"Happy birthday, Tesoro." He muttered into Will's shirt. Will laughed.

"Thanks, sunshine."

Then all of his friends popped up from the kitchen, yelling 'happy birthday'.

"Guys wow. Thanks." He couldn't believe that his friends were here. He couldn't helped but smile.

Clarisse and Lou Ellen tackled him in a big hug. Annabeth gave him a small hug. They have gotten closer ever since she confess her undying love for Piper to him. Kayla and Austin hugged him as well.

So the party was on.

This is probably one of the few birthdays he actually felt happy at. Which, including this one, happened three times. The first time was when he was ten. His mother took him to meet Hayley Williams, the lead singer of Paramore. The second time was when he and Nico started dating. Just him having a boyfriend made him really happy. Also, they had their first date on his birthday, so yeah. And now this one.

Will started to open his presents. Clarisse got him a few new sweaters. Kayla got him a brand new coffee maker (Will 'accidently' broke it). Cecil got him a laptop and Lou Ellen got him a r2-d2 laptop case as well as some stickers he can put on his new laptop. Austin got him a ukulele and black ukulele backpack that already has pride pins and star wars pins with a note saying that vent songs can help him. Chris got him a few star wars related clothing. Rachel gave him a giant stitch plushie. Annabeth got him the book he has been looking for. Piper got him a new Nintendo switch (Nico accidently spilled soup on it). Nico got him a hoodie that he wanted (which Nico says he totally won't steal) and a Appa plushie from ATLA, he also says he has something else, but the others can't see (😏).

After the others left, Nico's phone started to ring.

"Hold on, let me get this." Nico said, picking up the phone and running out off the room. Will was confused, but hopefully it has to due with his gift. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Nico walks back in.

"You should get that." He said.

Will tilts his head, but gets the door.

When he opened the door, a women, about in her late 40s stand there. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt, with a light grey cardigan, light blue jeans and a black mask. Her hair was an orangish brown that was put in a messy bun. The women looks exactly like-

"Mom?" Will said, his voice breaking slightly.

"Hi pumpkin." She said, softly.

"Mom!" Will engulfs her in a big hug, which she happily accepted. "I didn't know you were in town."

"I wanted to surprise you. Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Will hugs her tighter.

They stayed like that for a while, until Will realizes it was a little bit chilly. He lets her go.

"Uh, come in. I think there's some cake left."

Naomi walks and spots Nico standing there awkwardly. She gave him a hug.

"Thank you for inviting me." She whispers.

"Of course, Ms. Solace."

"I told you to call me Naomi." She scolded.


"It's fine. Now I heard that there's cake!"


Will and Naomi talked for a long time. Which Naomi heard about Will's study pattern and scolded him for hit. Naomi also keeps dropping 'subtle' hints about them getting married and how she'll sing at their wedding, while also ignoring their flustered faces. She also bought Will a star wars sweater-

(totally isnt this:

which he absolutely loves

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which he absolutely loves.

Somewhere around midnight, Naomi had to go back to her hotel, much to Will's demise.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, my friend would start to worry." She said, as they hugged.

"I know. Just be careful."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too."


Will sighed, sadly, siting next to Nico on the couch.

"Hey, are you-" Nico started.

"Thank you." Will said, as he hugged him.

"For what?"

"Everything, but specifically for throwing the best birthday party ever."

"Of course, baby." Nico paused. "I have another present for you." He whispers.

Will looked up at Nico, with slight lust in his eyes. The shorter boy nods, confirming Will's suspicion. Will picks up Nico and walks to their bedroom.

I think you know what happens next.

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