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(this chapter is brought to you by someone who is overwhelmed by online school and homework)

seaweedbrain: fuck online school

seaweedbrain: school already sucks. now make it online?! no not okay

RARA: i understand ur pain, but im in a zoom at the moment so stop

seaweedbrain: hmmmmmm fine


mcshizzle: i literally got so much to do im like freakin-

art_mom: nice vine reference

mcshizzle: thank u thank u

mcshizzle: anygay, school should be canceled

mcshizzle: like there is no reason why school should be going on rn

beautyqueen: #schoolisoverparty ???

mcshizzle: yessss

punk-lesbian: should we get this trending on twitter?

mcshizzle: we can try

deathboi: i have so much homework uuuuuuugggggghhh

seaweedbrain: i have the feeling teachers assigned more work than they did last year

agoldfish: oh they definitely have

RARA: yeah i ask one of my teachers if they did and she said 'since you guys have so much free time at home, you can get more done' or some shit like that

deathboi: what free time? im too busy 

cinnamonroll: with what?

deathboi: um sleeping 

art_mom: sameeee

wisegurl: yall should do ur school work

mcshizzle: nah

deathboi: no

art_mom: i dont want too

punk-lesbian: nah fam

seaweedbrain: My GrAdEs ArE gOnNa Be SlIpPiNg

superman: uh guys, i think u should do ur work. so yk not lose ur scholarship 

beautyqueen: no ❤ 

superman: 😑

a/n: online school sucks so bad, but at least school is canceled tomorrow!! snow daaay. (since my school allows kids to go to traditional school. and teachers are usually are at school and shit. but the kids who go to traditional school are on hybrid, since people DONT KNOW HOW TO WEAR MASK AND TO NOT PARTY!!!!) so yeah

also here's my drawing of nico wearing a mask :3 

also here's my drawing of nico wearing a mask :3 

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so yeah uh byeeee


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