Cis is a slur, apparently

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In the demi-gays group-chat

mcshizzle: y'all would not believe what the elongated muskrat just said on twitter

seaweedbrain: oh gods what did he say


wisegurl: oh for fuck's sake

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wisegurl: oh for fuck's sake

sunshine: wow just wow

diamondqueen: He lets these yt cishet bitches say the n-word and the t slur, but once he and his little gaggle gets called cis once, they throw a fit

sunshine: crazy that a medical term is a slur

agoldfish: i think he should i dunno...

agoldfish: kill himself

mcshizzle and ten others liked agoldfish's message

wisegurl: crazy how me, will, austin, hazel, rachel, thalia and jason have been called the n-word hard r and a bunch of other anti-black shit bc we had the audacity to be black and have a different opinion

sunshine: or posting something innocent like me and nico going to see the live action remake of the little mermaid 😞

deathboi: i was so passive aggressive towards those ppl bc if i said what i wanted to say, i would've been banned 🤧

onemeanlesbian: what would you have said nico?

deathboi: for them all to kill themselves 💁🏽‍♀️

sunshine liked deathboi's message

sunshine: i wish you could have 💔

deathboi: me too 💔

musical_boy: just yesterday i commented on a artist who made earth-42 miles literally white and i dragged to hell for it

art_mom: "it's the lighting"



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art_mom: bitch, thw lighting doesn't make you bioluminescent

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art_mom: bitch, thw lighting doesn't make you bioluminescent

wisegurl: those are such a good photos of me and

RARA: let's not forget the fem miguel drawings

punk-lesbian: ooh don't remind me

punk-lesbian: is it so bad that i don't want to see the same damn body type of a genderbent version of a male character 😭

wisegurl: "let people draw what they want" bitch his ethnic features, wrinkles and muscles are gone. it's not even the same character anymore. it's just yt instagram model with a fake tan #43

mcshizzle: fr. and the sexualization and fetishization of miguel is so disgusting

mcshizzle: yes i think miguel is hot but i'm not bout to draw him in a MUZZLE 😭😭

wisegurl: "let people draw what they want" bitch...
—> diamondqueen: bout to use that line when blacktober comes

superman: i got death threats over saying that you shouldn't be drawing miguel in a muzzle

superman: and the fact that i said how much of gwen's story related to a bunch of trans kids, so what's the big deal with hcing or thinking she's a trans girl 😭

mcshizzle: she will always be trans to me 🙏🏾

bubblegumlesbian: did you guys know that person who white washed miles made selfcest art between miles and earth-42 miles

seaweedbrain: ...

sunshine: come again from big fudge?

art_mom: are you rewatching himym?

sunshine: no

sunshine: i already finished watching it

bubblegumlesbian: yeah !! and one of the artists who made the fem! miguel art drew porn of a minor as a commission

RARA: i remember seeing that. and people excused it by saying the artist was broke at the time

diamondqueen: didn't realize being broke meant you make nsfw content of a child

beautyqueen : thank gods that we are all financially stable if that was the case 🙏🏽

beautyqueen: also i just opened twitter to see hobie with straight hair 🧍🏽‍♀️

deathboi: WHAT

musical_boy: twitter is all seven layers of hell


a/n: hello i'm back !! i planning to big chapters but since i haven't post a "chat" chapter in a while and this is a chat fic 💀

anyway, yes all the stuff i have written is true in this chapter. i've seen my black moots and artists get death threats and called all racist names for the book for critiquing an artist for whitewashing a character of color or being excited to see themselves in tlm 😭. it sucks that black people always get harassed for doing anything on twitter and in other places. so i wrote my frustrations through the characters that are canonically or that i hc as black in the pjoverse

also it might be a bit before the other two chapters come out. i had eight teeth taken out today so i'm not feeling the best. but hopefully i recover fast 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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