Pipabeth moves in with each other

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Piper and Annabeth have been dating for awhile. 11 months (almost 12) to be exact. They've been going back and forth between each other's apartments and quite frankly, Piper was tired of it. She wants to wake up to her beautiful girlfriend everyday, eat dinner with her everyday, be with her everyday.

Piper been planning to ask Annabeth to move in with her, but kind of coward out. She always end up asking her to dinner instead. 

Today, however, will be different. She is going to rip the band aid off and ask. Their year anniversary is today and Piper thought it'll be a great time to ask her to move in.

They weren't going to anywhere fancy for their anniversary. Just a simple picnic at the park Piper confessed at. Piper has been practicing on how to tell Annabeth to move in with her. She wasn't going to chicken out. She can do this.

"It feels great out here." Annabeth said, taking in the light breeze.

"Yeah." Piper said.

"I wish summer always felt like this. I might like it more."

"Yeah. Me too."

Annabeth turned and smiled brightly at her. "Thank you, Pipes. This is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." Piper winked.

Annabeth smiled, as she laid down in Piper's lap.

"So," Piper started, playing with Annabeth's hair.


"I was thinking, since we've been going out for almost a year now...that maybe...um"

"What?" Her stormy gray eyes staring right at her.

"Maybe we could move in with each other? I-if you want. You don't have to. I don't want to pressure you in anything. I just that maybe we could. I just want to wake up with you by my side every morning. But if you-" Annabeth kissed her, interrupting her rambling.

"You know, I've been thinking same thing."


"Yeah. I think it's a great idea."

"Well, let's do it."

"Okay, roomie."

"And they were roommates."

"Oh my god" Annabeth lightly shoved her. Piper laughed.


In demi-gays group-chat


beautyqueen: SURPRISE

seaweedbrain: omg pipabeth living with each other

mcshizzle: and they were roommates 😏

wisegurl: that's exactly what piper said after she asked me

mcshizzle: as she should

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