Shot 11

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"So?? What's the plan for tomorrow??" Drishti asked and Siddu looked up from the phone

"I won't be coming to college tomorrow. Have to help mom with the preparations" Siddu said

"You won't be coming?? What about me?? You think I will attend college when you enjoy the dinner preparations at home??" Drishti asked glaring at him

"What do you expect?? You want me to ask you to join me??" Siddu asked sarcastically

"Why not?? I'm your best friend. Abhi Bhai is like a brother to me. So obviously I should also be helping you there" Drishti said

"Exactly. You practically live in my house rather than the hostel. Then why do you suddenly need an invitation? If you want, just come" Siddu said with a shrug and Drishti scratched his arms with her long nails

Siddu hissed in pain

"You are not human. You are a wild cat" Siddu said examining the scratch marks on his arms

"Invite me properly or you will get more of that" Drishti said stubbornly

"What the bloody hell is this. Since when did you start needing an invitation to my home. Or is it because you are married now?? You think I will treat you with more respect now that you are a married woman??" Siddu asked and laughed out loudly earning a punch in return

"Go to hell Siddarth Agnihotri. Go to hell" Drishti said taking out all her frustrations on her best friend

It has been two days since she saw her husband of three days.

Does that man even come home??

Yes!! He does. Because she found his dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

What a way to check whether your husband is home or not!!

Having been the centre of attention all her life, she finds it extremely unbelievable that her husband could be so indifferent to her

He hadn't even checked on her once in the last two days.


As if I care!!

"Heyy! Do one thing. Invite your husband too. That way we could all get to know him" Siddu invited

"No way in hell. I will never do that" Drishti said stubbornly

"Why bro??"

"He wanted me to keep the marriage a secret. Not that I wanted to announce it to the world. So I won't breathe a word about this wedding until he begs me to. It's a matter of my ego" Drishti said

"You want him to beg??" Siddu laughed

"Okay. Maybe not beg. But he would be the first to introduce me as his wife. Not the other way around"

"You won't change," Siddhu said with a shake of his head.

"I want to go shopping. I don't have anything to wear for tomorrow night" Drishti said suddenly remembering that she's out of new clothes

"Your wardrobe is full of clothes. Remember I sneaked into your hostel just two days before to help you packing" Siddhu reminded the event that occurred days ago.

They had gone to the college hostel two days ago to get her things to shift it to her husband's house.

Drishti had sneaked Siddu in to help her. As normal, boys are not allowed anywhere near the hostel.

But then Drishti is a born rebel.

"But tomorrow's function is almost like a reception party. I need a new dress" Drishti said already planning how to spend her husband's money.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now