Shot 7

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The private jet landed in the Bangalore International Airport

"You don't even have any luggage with you?? What's your plan?? A shopping spree with Shravan's credit card??" Isha asked and Shravan groaned mentally

What had happened to the sweet natured Isha?? Where did this bitchy avatar come from??

"Ofcourse yes. I'm a newly wed bride. New brides are entitled to their shopping spree with their husband's credit card" Drishti said batting her eyes lashes innocently

"Ofcourse I know girls like you" Isha said

"You ought to. You must be looking at the mirror at least twice a day" Drishti said

"For the love of God!! Will you two please shut up" Shravan was finally losing it

What did he do to deserve this??

"Isha, I will drop you at your place. Will see you the first thing in the morning. We have to get this deal somehow" Shravan said and Isha nodded

Business!! Drishti rolled her eyes

Shravan is reminding her of her father.

Her father before he met her mother again!!

He was a workaholic until his Diya came back to his life

A smile formed on her lips thinking about the love her parents shared

And the next moment her smile disappeared

She had dreamed for years and years of finding that kind of soul deep love

Will she ever be able to find that kind of love now

She is married now. Accidentally!!

Dear God!! Does that really happen in real life??


Yet it had happened in her life

She glanced sideways at Shravan who was focused on his phone

Will she ever be able to love him??

Will he ever fall in love with her??

After dropping Isha at her place, Shravan instructed his driver to take them to his penthouse suite

He could see from Rajesh kaka's face that he was confused as to who the girl with him is

"Rajesh kaka. This is Drishti. She would be staying with me for a while" Shravan said and the older man's eyes widened in horror

Drishti punched him in the arm and glared at him

"What??" He asked frowning as he rubbed his hands were she punched

"Don't spoil my reputation" Drishti said and he looked at her confused

"What reputation??"

Drishti turned to look at the driver and pulled out her mangalsutra and showed it to him

"Rajesh kaka. I'm not what you think I'm. I'm married to this man" Drishti said

And that's when Shravan realised what Rajesh might have thought when he said Drishti would be staying with him


"Married?? Shravan baba got married?? No one told us" Rajesh said in disappointment

"Actually kaka-" Shravan was cut off mid sentence by a dramatic sigh from Drishti

He glanced sideways to see Drishti looking at Rajesh kaka leaning forwards in her seat with all the animation on her face

"It's a long story kaka. Actually it was like a Bollywood movie with lots of drama and twists" Drishti said and proceeded to narrate the entire thing happened from the moment she planned to kidnap Kiara and until the moment they entered this car.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now