Shot 12

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"What the hell is this??"

"How dare you pull out my clothes??"

They both asked at the same time

Shravan took in a deep breath. He is not interested in an argument.

"It fell out when I opened the cupboard. It wasn't arranged properly I guess" Shravan said politely

Drishti gritted her teeth hearing that polite tone again

"You are accusing me of not arranging the clothes properly??" Drishti asked spoiling for a fight.

"Accusing??" Shravan asked in astonishment

"Yes! I haven't seen you in two days and the first thing you do when I finally see you is complaining" Drishti said with hands on her hips

"I'm not complaining. I'm simply stating the facts. I had a shower. I came out. I opened the cupboard to get a pair of clothes and all these fell down. In a heap. And the cause of that being it not being properly arranged. Where's the complaint in this. Or the accusation??" Shravan asked and turned around without wasting for a reply to get his clothes

He pulled on a T shirt and then again looked at her.

"Do you plan to stand here and watch me get dressed??" Shravan asked raising an eyebrow

"Ofcourse. After all you are my husband. Why shouldn't I??" Drishti retorted back in challenge

Shravan mentally groaned

Why does he have to bear with this. He have enough headache in the form of Malhotra Deal right now. He doesn't plan to add Drishti Singhania into it

"Fine. Stay there." He said and walked back into the washroom to get dressed

When he came out to the bedroom he saw a backpack on the bed next to Drishti who was half lying on the bed

"Where have you been??" He asked casually


"College???" He asked in surprise

"Yes. The place where we go to study and make friends and enjoy."

"I know what a college is. What I didn't knew was that you go to college here" Shravan said

"That's because you didn't bother to ask. You dropped me here two days ago and then I haven't heard from you." Drishti accused

"I already told you I'm busy. I'm working on an important deal"

"Too busy to even think about what I must be doing. You yourself said ,you thought I'm knew here. So shouldn't you atleast check whether I'm settling in. As a minimum courtesy" Drishti asked

"I had asked Rajesh kaka to help you if you needed something." Shravan said

"Rajesh kaka is not my husband" Drishti said

Shravan kept silent not knowing how to respond

What is it that she wants from him?

"Uh! Mom called and she asked for your number" Shravan said


"An hour ago!!"

"So that's why you are home early. Your mom forced you to come" Drishti asked

"I told you I was busy" Shravan said

"Give me your number. Mom would want to call you"

"I can feel the love" Drishti said sarcastically and gave him her number

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now