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On his way to the main dining hall, Shravan met his grandfather

"Dadu" Shravan greeted his grandfather

"Shravan, my boy. How are you?" Tej Maheswari asked

"Good. How are you dadu? Are you taking your medications on time?" Shravan asked

"Yes yes" Tej Maheswari said, waving his hands off dismissively

"Don't exert yourself, dadu" Shravan said

"I know I know. Where is the girl? I asked you both to meet me" Tej asked

"She must be already there. I had asked her to meet us there at five. It's five now" Shravan said looking at his wrist watch

"Is she of any good, boy?" Tej asked

"Yes dadu" Shravan said and he entered the dining hall with his grandfather

He'd left instructions with her that she should meet them for tea, but when they made it to the dining room the table was laid with tea and snacks, but the room was empty apart from two flustered footmen, one of whom was sneaking looks out of the window, as Shravan strode into the room.

"Where is she?" Shravan addressed the senior of the two, a man who had worked for the Maheswari family for more than a few decades.

"I believe choti sahiba went for a walk, Shravan baba" The fact that, the man didn't quite meet his gaze confirmed his suspicions that, the said choti sahiba was doing something she shouldn't.

"Do you have any idea where?"

The gaze of the younger of the two men slid towards the window and then back again.

"She's outside, Sir." The younger man too didn't meet his eyes

"Where outside?" Shravan's tone was lethally soft and the man's cheeks flushed.

"I believe she's gone for a walk down to the pond, Sir. She said she was too hot." The younger man, who had been instructed by the gardener, answered

Sensing that there was a great deal more that he wasn't being told, Shravan spun on his heel.

His grandfather was looking at him grimly

"Such a disobedient girl" Tej Maheswari clucked his tongue in disapproval.

"She might have got lost while walking through the grounds" Shravan defended his wife.


"I will go get her" Shravan said and walked out of the dining hall

He should have known better than to to leave her alone.

He is pretty sure by now, that she must have gotten into some trouble or mischief.

He had rushed out of a video conference with a foreign delegate, because tea with Tej Maheswari is an important matter. And his wife had disregarded the invitation without any particular reason.

He could see no sign of her anywhere and was about to try the botanical garden when he heard singing, and a splash of colour caught his eye.

Turning his head, he stared down the long sweep of grass to the huge ornamental pond that formed the focus of the rose garden.

In the centre of the pond, was the famous fountain and there, splashing happily around in the spray, was Drishti Maheswari.

Finally he understood the unusual buzz amongst the staff.

Never had the formal gardens of the palace been used for such a practical purpose.

Teeth gritted, blood boiling, Shravan strode down the grassy slope towards the lake.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now