Shot 46

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"I need you, Siddhu"

Shravan who was about to enter the room frowned hearing Drishti.

He went inside the room and saw an anxious Drishti sitting cross legged on the bed.


"What did he say?" Drishti asked

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Shravan asked

"How am I know that he is your brother?" Drishti asked with a frown.

"Atleast the surname should have given you a hint right? Didn't you wonder about our surnames? The similarity in our names? Sharan and Shravan?" He asked

"I first met him during an inter college fest two years ago. He was from a different college. I don't remember whether he said his surname or not. His Instagram name is just Sharan M. And it just stuck" Drishti said

"And you uploaded a picture of us in your insta page right? Didn't he ask anything about it to you Drishti?" Shravan asked

"I had blocked him by then" Drishti said

Shravan sighed as he sat on the bed next to her.

"Did you have feelings for him, Drishti?" Shravan asked softly, his heart slamming against his ribcage.

"No" Drishti said and and Shravan heaved a sigh of relief

"He thought you did" Shravan said remembering what his brother told.

"It may or may not be my fault" Drishti admitted guiltily.

"How? Did you encourage his feelings, Drishti" Shravan asked, a frown marrowing his eyebrows.

"No. Neither did I discourage them" Drishti said

"What do you mean by that?" Shravan asked in confusion

"I didn't do it intentionally. I didn't even realise it until Siddhu pointed it out. He said that I love attention. And yeah, it's true. I actually enjoyed the boys running around me" Drishti confessed guiltily

Shravan sighed.

"He looked very hurt" Shravan said

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologising to me?"

"Because of me, you fought with your brother" Drishti said

"That's okay. We will sort it out" Shravan said pulling Drishti into a hug

"Honestly? I always wanted two boys to fight over me. Like they show in the movies and all. But I never wanted it to be two brothers" Drishti said and Shravan rolled his eyes.

"You and your dreams. You always live your wonderland" Shravan said and Drishti made a face at that.

"Oh my! How did your parents react?" Drishti asked pulling slightly away from him

"Sharan walked out telling that he needs space. They are worried."

"Oh God! How will His Highness Tej Maheswari react when he comes to know this? He is definitely going to kick me out of here"

"You think I would let anybody kick you out of here? Away from me?" Shravan asked and Drishti looked up at him, and they got lost in each others eyes.

Drishti phone binged indicating a notification.

'Flight at early morning four. Will be there by eight or nine'

Drishti grinned after seeing the message

"Siddu will be here in the morning. He will sort this out" Drishti said sighing happily.

"Why?" Shravan asked


"Why did you call him?"

"Because I need him. He always sorts out all my troubles" Drishti said.

"Drishti" Shravan called softly as he took her hands in his.

"What happened?"

"I understand that Siddharth is your best friend. I know you guys are very close. But I would like it, if you would come to me whenever you have any problems" Shravan said

"Oh" Drishti nodded understanding what he is saying. She would definitely hate it if he goes to Isha instead of her, if he has some problems.

"Don't misunderstand me. I have no issues with your friendship. But I don't know, I'm getting a little possessive about you" Shravan confessed

"I understand. I would feel the same way if I were you" Drishti said

They heard the knock on the door and opened it to find her parents there. They were looking a bit anxious

"Maa? Paa? What happened?" Drishti asked

Divya looked between Shravan and Drishti

"Everything okay between you two right?" Divya asked

"Yes Maa. Everything is alright. Don't worry" Drishti said

"Okay honey. Good night" Vihaan said and dropped a kiss on his daughters head before leaving.

"Let's sleep" Shravan said


Shravan opened his eyes hearing the continuous knocks on the door.

He slowly pulled out of Drishti's hold without waking her and walked towards the door, only to find Siddharth at the door.

"Good morning, Shravan bhai" Siddhu greeted and walked past him into the room, making Shravan frown

"Where are you going?" Shravan asked walking behind him

"To wake D. Look how peacefully she is sleeping after ruining my sleep" Siddharth complained looking at the sleeping form of Drishti

"She ruined your sleep? How? Were you worried about what happened last night?" Shravan asked

"Worry? If I worry about each and every trouble she gets into, I will have no time left for anything else. I just couldn't sleep because I had to pack and leave for airport. And I'm not much into sleeping during travelling" Siddharth said

"You came alone? When is Abhay and the rest of the family coming?" Shravan asked

"They will be here a day before the reception. Now let me wake her up" Siddhu said went near Drishti and screamed in her ears making her wake up with a start.

"Aaaaa" Drishti scream in response as she sat up in the bed making Siddhu roll on the floor laughing.

Drishti who saw that, pulled at Siddhu's hair making him scream in pain

"You. I will kill you today. How dare you" Drishti said furiously

"Oh D. Do me a favor. Please go and brush your teeth first. Or else your bad breath will definitely kill me before you find any other way to do the same." Siddhu said making a face earning a glare in return.

Shravan rolled his eyes seeing them fighting like kids.

"Grow up for heaven's sake" Shravan said and walked to the washroom to get ready for the day.

"Heard what he said? Grow up for heaven's sake" Drishti said

"You are his wife. He was telling you. Not me" Siddharth argued.

"No. He was telling you"

"No you"

Shravan opened the washroom door and glared at them both making them both shut up.


Here goes the next shot

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