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"What???" Shravan gaped at his grandfather in horror

Had he lost it finally

Is old age catching up with him at this most unfortunate time

"You heard me"

"You must be crazy if you think I'm going to go through with this" Shravan muttered in disbelief

"Dad. You are not thinking this through clearly. Marriage is not a decision to be taken hastily. It's their life" Pratap Maheswari said trying to appeal to his father

But Tej Maheswari was having none of it

"Kiara is a very nice girl" Tej said

"Who is Kiara??" Shravan asked

"The girl you are going to marry" Tej said confidently

"The girl you want me to marry?? I'm not marrying anyone dadu" Shravan said in exasperation

"So you will stand by and watch your dadu bow down his head in shame?? You wouldn't do anything to safeguard his honor??" Tej asked looking straight into his eyes

"That's emotional blackmailing dadu. You know it very well"

"Are you willing to protect and safeguard the Maheswari honor Shravan??" Tej asked and Shravan knew when he is facing a fate accompli

"Do I have a choice??" Shravan asked coldly

"You do. You could always turn your back on your family values and honor. Its upto you" Tej said knowing very well that his grandson wouldn't back down

If one more time his grandfather uttered the word honor ,he might explode

"Don't expect me to be happy and make her happy dadu" he said in a tone of finality

"You will like her boy. I have known Kiara for a long time. She is a sweet natured girl. Always calm and matured. She would make a perfect wife and an even perfect daughter in law" Tej said

"Then why didn't you fix her marriage with me earlier??" Shravan shot back and that shut his grandfather up

Tej Maheswari and his son left to talk to the orphanage authorities and his mother turned to him

"Are you sure about this Shravu. You don't have to ,you know. Your life is more important than any honor for me" Anuradha said not wanting her son to sacrifice his life

"You always wanted me to get married Mom. Guess your prayers have been finally answered. If Kiara is written in my destiny, can anyone change that"

"I just want you to be happy"

"I will be mom. Didn't dadu say that she is a calm, sweet and matured girl. Life would be easy with her ,I hope" Shravan said forcing a smile for his mother's benefit

"You told your dadu to not expect you to be happy and make her happy" Anuradha said unhappily

"Well, I couldn't simply agree to his manoeuvring without retailing. I will give this a chance Mom. What do they say..when life gives you lemon ,you make lemonades" Shravan said

Marriage is an important turning point in one's life. He had so far dodged it but destiny has it's own ways

The girl might have had so many dreams about marriage and future and one man had destroyed it by running away at the last moment

And he won't do that to her

It might take time for them to work things out and adjust with each other

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now