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"By the way. Where are you taking me for honeymoon?" Drishti asked excitedly

"Honeymoon??" Shravan asked in surprise.

He hadn't given it a thought.

"Ofcourse. All newly married couples go for honeymoon. But don't worry. We don't have to go right away. I can't take anymore leave. If I do, I won't be allowed to sit for exams. So we will go during my semester break" Drishti said generously

"What's your attendance percentage Drishti?" Shravan asked

"Forty percentage" Drishti said with a shrug

"Forty? Dear God. What were you doing skipping all the classes?" Shravan asked in horror.

"Oh. We sometimes go for movies. Or simply for drives."

"That is not done Drishti. You can't skip classes like that. If you don't attend the classes, how are you going to understand anything. How are you going to write the exam?"

"Even if I do attend the class, I don't really understand half the things they teach. They are so boring that I mostly fall asleep during the class"

Shravan took in a deep breath.

"When is your semester exam Drishti?"

"In two months" Drishti said with a frown

"And have your started preparing for the exams?" Shravan asked

"Now? Why would I start now? I have two months more" Drishti said in surprise

"You can start preparations now. It will be easier for revision when exams are near"

Drishti huffed in annoyance

Here she wants to talk about honeymoon and this bloody boring man wants to talk about her bloody exams

"I'm seriously having second thoughts now" Drishti said making Shravan frown

"Second thoughts about what?"

"This marriage" Drishti said folding her arms across her chest


"Here I'm talking about our honeymoon and all you have to say is I should study for my exams? How much more boring can you be?" Drishti asked

"Its about your future Drishti. At some point you will have to take over your father's business. For that you should be prepared."

"You are just like Paa." Drishti complained

"Even if I start studying now, I will forget everything by the time exams are near. Why waste my time and energy" Drishti added with a shrug

"Okay. We will come to a compromise. You will start your preparations a month before the exams. You are doing Civil Engineering right? I did the same. So I will make a time table for you. If you have doubts, I can help you with the subjects" Shravan said, mentally alloting time for Drishti's studies in his busy schedule.

Drishti stared at the man in front of her in growing horror.

What had she gotten into?

Drishti's phone rang

She picked it up.

"Honey? You sure right?" Vihaan asked after seeing the message he got from his daughter.

"I'm not very sure now" Drishti mumbled

Shravan stared at her in horror.

"What? What did he do?" Vihaan asked

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now