shot 8

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Damn it!! She is Drishti Singhania

The boys in her college are crazy over her and begging her for a single glance and this guy here, who was lucky enough to marry her, wants to keep their marriage a secret

Fine!! It's not as if she cares.

"Fine. I'm not dying to advertise it either" Drishti said with a shrug

"And where is the bedroom??" Drishti asked and Shravan cursed himself for not thinking about it before

Where would she stay??

This is a two bedroom apartment and he had turned the guest room into a study for his office works

"Actually there's only one bedroom" Shravan said and Drishti again shrugged

"The kitchen is over there. The fridge is fully stocked. Rajesh kaka's wife comes thrice a week to clean and cook. She might have kept some food in the freezer too." Shravan said and guided her towards his room

Luckily his bedroom has a recliner in addition to a bed and he mentally thanked his interior designer for that

"This is the bedroom. The room next-door is my study. And I don't like anyone inside my study so please stay out of it."

Again that insultingly polite tone!! Drishti gritted her teeth

Who does he think he is

She is here only because of his mother. He should be thankful to her for not hurting his mother by outrightly denying her request

"That door leads to the ensuite bathroom and the closet. The other door leads to the balcony. There's actually another door in the living room which opens to the open terrace."

He showed her the entire apartment

"I will take a shower first and you can freshen up after that. I have an early morning tomorrow." Shravan said and walked into the restroom without waiting for her response

Drishti huffed

She had never been treated with so much indifference in her entire life

She had always been pampered and spoiled.

No!! She is not a spoiled brat if that's what you people and wondering

Okay!! Maybe a teeny weeny bit spoiled

And she had always been the centre of attention and she couldn't handle the indifference

Drishti looked around sulkily at the bedroom painted black and white

She sat on the bed and checked it's comfort

Okay!! Good! Neither too hard nor too fluffy. It's firm enough to get a comfortable sleep

She was examining the room when the ensuite door opened and Shravan walked out in his boxers and a T shirt

Damn!! He is hot!!

Drishti mentally fanned herself

"You can use the restroom now" Shravan said and walked towards the bed

Drishti speed walked into the restroom lest he notice her drooling over him

She took a quick shower and that's when she remembered she doesn't have anything to change to.

She had come here empty handed with only her phone

She towel dried herself, wrapped another towel on her hair and wore the terry cloth robe she found there and walked out of the ensuite

Shravan was correcting some errors in a presentation he made for the next meeting when he heard the en suite door opening

All breath left his lungs when he saw her standing there wearing only a robe

He gulped hard

"Why are you in a robe??" He asked through his dry mouth

"What else am I supposed to do?? Walk around naked??" Drishti asked sarcastically and Shravan's imaginations became more colorful

Damn it!!

Stop staring like a creep Shravan Maheswari, he chided himself

But she is my wife and I have every right to stare at her, his heart argued

You were singing a different tone a while ago, his brain reminded him

"Just wear something from my wardrobe for tonight. You can go shopping tomorrow" he said and averted his eyes

She walked back into the walk in closet and came back wearing one of his boxers and t shirt

Damn it!! The robe was better

She took off the towel from her hair and towel dried it and kept the towel bundled on the vanity table

Oh he hates that!!

"Spread it somewhere" he said harshly cursing his hormones

"What??" She turned to look at him confused

"Hang the towel somewhere. Don't keep it bundled like that" he said

"Don't tell me you have OCD" Drishti said taking the towel and walking back to the walk in closet

Shravan sighed as she went out of sight

He switched off the main light in a hurry and and switched on the small bedside lamp enough for her to find her way

Less light and less sight!! He sighed in relief

How wrong he was

She came out and watching her in the dim light was more erotic

Is this what happens when you get married??

It's just that he haven't been in such close confines with any woman before. That too one so scantily clad

He is a man after all!!

It has got nothing to do with marriage and wife

Drishti got on the bed beside him and he looked at her sharply

"You can take the recliner" he said.

He was not being arrogant. The recliner is small for him and she would fit perfectly in it

It is a practical solution

"Why should I??" Drishti asked angrily

"My house my rules" he said making her roll her eyes

"You can take the couch if you want. I need the bed" she said lying on the bed

Maybe he should scare her a little. That might keep her in check, he thought to himself and in a swift move he hovered over her smirking

"That eager to share my bed wifey??" He asked smirking at her

Drishti stared at him and a smirk made it's way to her face

She wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer

"You are right. I love cuddling. I can't sleep without cuddling. Let's cuddle to sleep hubby jaan" Drishti said and the smirk vanished from Shravan's face and he jerked away from her

"I knew you were trouble" he mumbled to himself and turned away from her trying his best to sleep


Here goes the next shot

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now