Shot 53

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"My cheeks are hurting with all these smiles" Drishti complained half way through the reception.

"The formal party will be over now. After that only family and friends would be here" Shravan said

"How about a photo guys?" Mithran asked as he walked towards them with Isha, Abhay and Kiara.

"You guys are late" Drishti accused as soon as she saw them.

"Sorry Drishti. Kiara had an appointment with a doctor in the morning. So we got delayed" Abhay said

"Oh. What happened to bhabhi?" Drishti asked in worry.

"Nothing. Just a light fever" Kiara said

"Okay guys. Stay closer for the photo" the photographer called out

The formal party was over soon and Anuradha took Drishti with her to introduce her to the other family members.

Shravan stepped out into the garden with Mithran and Abhay

"You look very happy" Mithran commented seeing the constant smile on Shravan's face

"I am" Shravan said content with his life.

"Aww. Shravan is in love" Mithran teased

"I don't know Mithran. I have never been in love before. So I don't really know what love is. If wanting to wake up to Drishti's face every morning and wanting to go to sleep with her in my arms is love. Then yes, I think I'm in love." Shravan said staring at nothing, with a smile on his face

Mithran gaped at his best friend and Abhay had a smile on his face listening to their bestfriend.

"But then I wonder if it is too soon to know whether it is love or not. I mean, we have known each other for hardly a month. That is too short a time to fall in love, right?" Shravan asked in confusion.

"Maybe. You shouldn't hurry into something without being sure of your feelings" Abhay said in a tone than made both the friends look at him

"Abhay. Is everything alright?" Shravan asked

"Ofcourse yes" Abhay said too quickly raising more suspicion in the other two people's mind.

"If you say so" Mithran said

"Tell us more about you and Drishti" Abhay prompted.

"What do I tell? She is so totally opposite of me. She sometimes, no! most of the times, gets on my nerves like crazy. Logically speaking, I should stay hundred miles away from her, if I need to stay sane. But when I don't see her around, a weird restlessness happens to me. As I said, the feelings are so confusing. But I like those feelings" Shravan said

"Maybe you should just stop confusing us too" Mithran said

"Maybe I should" Shravan said with a chuckle.

Mithran's phone rang and he excused himself to attend the call. He hadn't gone much far and they could very well hear him talk. From the greeting, they understood it was a call from Mithran's mother.

"What? What are you saying Amma? No. That's not possible. That must be a misunderstanding. You knew it all along?? And you never mentioned it? Daughter? Amma, do you even know what you are talking. Relax please. I will be there by tomorrow morning. We will talk then. Take care, Amma" They heard Mithran's one sided conversation.

"Mithran? What's the matter?" Shravan asked

"I don't know. I need to get back home soon. Mom sounds so panicked. She was almost hysterical. Give me a moment. I need to make another call. You guys go inside" Mithran said


"Man! You never said your family has Mafia connections?" Mithran asked making Shravan frown.

"Mafia? What are you talking about?" Shravan asked

"Look who is walking in" Mithran said pointing at the long haired man in suite.

"That's Mr Oberoi right?" Shravan asked

"Yeah. Omkara Singh Oberoi. Son of Mafia king, Tej Oberoi" Mithran said

"Guys, Tej Oberoi was a Mafia King. The junior Oberois have no Mafia connections" Abhay pointed out.

"Yeah. That's what they say. Who knows" Mithran said with a shrug

"You better shut up before Drishti hears you. He is -" before Abhay could complete, Drishti came towards them.

"Abhi bhai, I saw Kiara bhabhi searching for you. Where were you?" Drishti asked

"I will just go and see to her" Abhay said and left to find his wife.

Shravan placed an arm around her waist and held her close without saying anything.

Drishti smiled up at him and turned to chat with Mithran.

"Princess Maheswari" Drishti squealed when she saw who it was.

"Gangster!! What a surprise" she hugged him enthusiastically making him chuckle.

"I heard about your adventurous marriage. And you think I would miss your function?" Omkara Singh Oberoi asked

"Paa didn't tell me that you guys were coming. Hey doctor. How are you?" Drishti asked giving a hug to Mrs Gauri Oberoi.

"We are all good. It's you who has been having an eventful month" Gauri teased.

"When does she not have an eventful life?" Omkara asked

"That's me. Drishti Maheswari. The ever exciting princess Maheswari" Drishti said with attitude.

"Okay. Enough with the self praising. Won't you introduce us to your husband?" Omkara asked

"Ofcourse. Meet Shravan Maheswari. My darling husband. And Shravan. This is Omkara Singh Oberoi and his wife Dr Gauri Oberoi" Drishti made the necessary introductions.

"Nice to meet you Sir" Shravan said as he shook hands with Omkara.

"You too. You better take care of our girl, Maheswari" Omkara said in a warning tone.

"Ofcourse Sir" Shravan said

"Okay then. Carry on with the meeting and greeting, you newly weds. Let us go and find Vihaan and Divya" Gauri said and left with Omkara.

Shravan's phone rang indicating an incoming call.

"All set?" He asked to the other person on call.

The other person answered in assent.

"Great. Thank you so much. Just make sure everything is perfect. Then leave the key there and you can go" Shravan said and hung up the call.

"Who was it?" Drishti asked

"Will tell you later. I think it's time we wind up the party?"

"People are still coming" Drishti said

"Let the come and go. I think we can make our escape now." Shravan said

"Yeah. I'm tired of smiling. I don't think I would be able to smile for a year from now on" Drishti said sulkily making Shravan chuckle.

"Let's leave then. We will inform our parents and go"


Here goes the next shot.

This was filler chapter, so you might find this one a little boring.

And guys, I'm not getting enough time to write. So I will be giving two update a week from now on. Mondays and Fridays. I hope you guys understand

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now