Shot 48

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"Is that Shravan bhai's sister?" Siddhu whispered to Drishti looking at the pretty girl talking to Damini.

"Yes" Drishti said narrowing her eyes at her best friend

"She is pretty. What's her name?" he said still not able to take his eyes off her.

"Shreya. And Siddhu, she is a school going girl" Drishti said

"Which class?" Siddhu asked


"Great. That would make her a college girl next year" Siddhu said with a grin

"She has two elder brothers" Drishti pointed out the cons in the scheme

"One of her elder brother is my elder brother's bestfriend and my best friend's husband." Siddhu said cheekily

"Finally you found someone you do not want to friend zone and that someone had to be Shravan's sister, right?" Drishti asked

"Ishq par zor nahi hei Drishti" Siddhu said dramatically clutching his heart.

"Ishq? In one day?" Drishti asked in wonder.

"Oye. What happened to the hopeless romantic Drishti Singhania? Who is a die hard fan of love at first sights? Who are you? What did you do to my bestfriend?" Siddhu asked making Drishti frown.

"Exactly. What the hell happened to me? Why am I being such a spoil sport. Finally my best friend fell in love. It's time for party" Drishti squealed and hugged Siddhu enthusiastically.

"That's my bestfriend" Siddhu cheered in return

"Sharan. Where are you going beta?" They heard Anuradha Maheswari ask and looked towards them to see Sharan walking towards the main door.

"I'm meeting up with some friends." Sharan said and walked out without paying heed to anybody.

Drishti was feeling extremely guilty. Her immaturity and carelessness had caused issues between Sharan and his family.


Shravan was looking around for Drishti everywhere. He couldn't find her.

It's almost ten at night and he have no idea where she is.

He saw Siddharth playing video games sitting in the game room.

"Siddharth. Where is Drishti?" He asked

He paused the game and looked at Shravan.

"D? I thought she was with you" Siddhu said with a frown.

"No. I didn't see her anywhere for the past two hours" Shravan said making Siddhu frown.

"Did you try her phone?" Siddhu asked getting up from the couch, all set to go out in search of the troublemaker.

"I tried ten minutes ago. There was no network" Shravan said as he took out his phone again.

"Try again"

Shravan dialed her number again and this time her phone did ring and she picked up after four rings

"Yes?" Came the answer from the other side.

"Where are you? I have been searching for you all around the palace" Shravan said

"You didn't search my favourite place in the palace" Drishti said

"Don't tell me you are again there swimming in the fountain" Shravan said in disbelief.

"No. I'm not swimming. But I'm near the fountain. It's simply relaxing here" Drishti said.

"I will be there in a minute" Shravan said and hung up

"I will also come" Siddharth said and was about to walk alongside Shravan.

"No. Stay here and continue your game. I would like to spend some time with my wife" Shravan said in his usual icy polite tone

Siddharth made a face at that.

As Shravan reached the door of the game room, Siddharth called out to him

"Don't forget that I will always be her best friend. I will never give up that position" Siddhu vowed

"Ha I know. There is no need to remind me every now and then." Shravan said and walked out leaving a sulky Siddhu behind.


Shravan found Drishti sitting on the edge of the pond with her legs dangling in the water.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Shravan asked as he took off his shoes and sat next to her, dipping his feet in the water.

"Relaxing. This is the most peaceful place in the palace. I just forget everything when I sit here" Drishti said

"Something disturbing you Drishti?" Shravan asked

Drishti heaved a sigh and stared at the water.

"Sharan! I feel guilty. He is distancing himself from everyone in the family. I feel responsible" Drishti said

"Come here" Shravan pulled her into a side hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I don't know what to say to that. You were not at fault Drishti. And I can't blame Sharan either. I can see he is hurting. Maybe what he needs is a a little distance from us. A little time to move on. Let's give him that space. Hmm?" Shravan said

"I was thinking about talking to him" Drishti said

"Yes. You should definitely talk to him. He needs a closure for this. But only when he wants it. There is no point in you talking to him now. It might only worsen things for him" Shravan said

"I didn't think like that"

"There must be someone in his destiny Drishti. He will find her one day and fall in love again" Shravan said

"Oh my! Who are you? Talking about destiny and all. Where is my husband?" Drishti asked dramatically earning an eye roll from her husband.

"Destiny is what brought you into my life. Isn't it? So how can I not believe in destiny" Shravan asked.

"Aaha. I'm rubbing off on you Mr Shravan Maheswari"

"You definitely are" Shravan said and leaned in for a much longed for kiss.

Drishti wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as Shravan slid his arm around her waist and dragged her even closer against the rock-hard wall of his muscular chest.

His other hand moved up to cup her nape and angle her head so that he could plunder her mouth with ease.

The heat between them reached flashpoint and she cried out, her mouth leaving his for a moment as her body strained closer. And then her lips were under his again and her hands moved to his chest, her fingers sliding and fumbling as she wrenched at the buttons on his shirt, and touched him properly.

Sounds of crickets and water spray from the fountain hitting the pond enveloped them but he heard nothing but her soft gasps and his own rough breathing as they kissed, creating magic that isolated them from their surroundings.

"Let's get inside. It's getting chilly here. I don't want you to fall sick" Shravan murmered as he placed his forhead against hers.

"I'm too lazy to walk" Drishti mumbled and with a chuckle Shravan stood up and picked her in his arms bridal style and walked inside.


Here goes the next shot

I won't be writing a separate book for Siddhu and Shreya. As Siddhu's two siblings will have a book of their own, he will appear there many times. I might also be writing a book on Sharan. So, you can find a small love story of Siddhu and Shreya all through these books.

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