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Shravan again woke up with Drishti spread all over him.

Does she even realise that she sleeps using him as a cuddle bear??

How would she know?? He always wakes up before she does.

Shravan shook his head and extricated himself from her death grip and got on with his morning business.

Once he was ready for office, he looked towards her to see her still sleeping.

He tore a paper from his notepad a wrote a message for her and left it on the bedside table and left for his office.


Drishti woke up to the constant ringing of her phone.

"The number you are trying to call is currently busy sleeping. Please hold the call or call again later" Drishti mumbled into the phone without even opening her eyes.

"Get the hell up D. You promised to help me in the preparations." Siddu said from the other side

"Yeah yeah. I promised to be there by the afternoon. It's not noon yet. Why do I have to wake up early when I don't have to go to college. Let me sleep and go bother someone else" she mumbled sleepily

"You have to go shopping remember??" Siddu said and that did the work

Drishti sat up on the bed with a jerk.

"Oh dear!! I would be late to come to your home. I have lots and lots of shopping to do" Drishti said all excited at the prospect of a new wardrobe.

What?? She loves shopping!!

"Get a dress for today's dinner. You can go for the remaining shopping tomorrow" Siddhu said

"Only if you promise to give me company!!" Drishti went in for the kill.

Siddhu groaned loudly.

"Fine." Siddhu agreed and Drishti laughed heartily at her victory.

Once she hung up she was about to get down the bed when she saw the note on the bedside table.

'I was a little tensed with some issues at office'

Drishti turned the paper around to make sure she didn't miss anything.

And when she accepted that there's nothing else written she huffed in annoyance.

"Where's the magical word he was supposed to say??" She asked loudly

As soon as she got ready for the day, she decided she isn't coming back tonight. She will stay at Siddu's place tonight and that will give Mr Husband enough time to miss her.

Anyway, as a courtesy she should message him about her plans and she took her phone to do the same and realised that she hadn't taken his phone number when she gave him hers.


The her eyes again fell on the note which he left.

Well! If he can leave a note, so can she.

She took the paper and wrote a message on the other side of the paper.

'Stay over at a friend's place. Got a function to attend.'

Soon after her shopping Drishti reached the Agnihotri Mansion.

"Finally" Siddhu came towards her and took the shopping bags from her.

"Siddu say cheese" Drishti called out posing the phone for a selfie.

Siddu rolled his eyes and took the phone too from her

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now