Bonus Chapter

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Little Dhruv certainly had a decent set of choppers on him.

Drishti winced as the emerging teeth grated on the sensitive flesh of her breast as he hungrily fed.

She shifted on the comfortable swing chair on the verandah, with the sunshine sprinkling down on them.

Definitely time for solids.

That would disappoint the little man in her arms.

But she knew an older one who would be delighted to have exclusive access at long last. Drishti thought mischievously.

Drishti looked across at sixteen-year-old Damini pouting at her brother-in-law, who refused to let her go for a night party at some pub.

Drishti and Shravan had shifted to a two-storied house with a backyard after Dhruv's birth.

Damini had come over to stay with her older sister after finishing her tenth-grade public examinations.

Much to Damini's dismay, Shravan had started to tutor her with her eleventh-grade syllabus.

Ten days after being tutored by Shravan, Damini was begging for permission to go to some college party held by her friend's elder brother.

"I will be back home by ten. I promise," Drishti heard Damini bargaining.

"Not happening, Damini," Shravan said sternly.

Damini huffed in annoyance.

"Aww. Is he still the best brother-in-law in the world?" Drishti teased her younger sister.

"I didn't know what a tyrant he was until I came to stay here," Damini said dramatically, earning an eye roll from her brother-in-law.

"Serves you right," Drishti said, making Damini scowl.

"Damini, you don't know these college boys. There will be alcohol at these parties. And some brats might spike the drinks for unsuspecting girls. This is unnecessary trouble," Shravan said, explaining why he is reluctant to let her go for the party.

"How are you so sure about that? Have you done that when you were a college boy?" Damini asked cheekily.

Shravan looked at his sister-in-law in horror.

"Of course not. I was a good boy," Shravan said.

"We didn't know you back then. So you can say whatever you want. We will never know, will we?" Damini asked.

"That's true," Drishti agreed.

"Well, you can ask Abhay or Mithran. They will tell you," Shravan said.

"They are your best friends. They will always support you in front of others," Damini said.

Shravan threw his hands up in the air in defeat.

"Okay. On a serious note, if you are worried about spiked drinks, I have a solution," Drishti said, and Damini looked at her hopefully.

"What is it?" Shravan asked.

"There is this nail polish. It's new in the market. Not available in our country. I had them imported a while back from the US," Drishti said.

"What has nail polish got to do with spiked drinks?" Shravan asked in confusion.

"It's a special kind of nail polish, which can detect drugs in drinks. If you dip your finger in the drink, the colour of your nail polish will change if the drink is spiked," Drishti said.

Shravan looked at them, totally unconvinced.

Damini wouldn't hear the end of it, though.

She is a mini Drishti when it comes to stubbornness.

"That matter is solved. I am going for the party," Damini declared, and Drishti supported her sister.

"Okay, fine. But there are rules," Shravan conceded in the face of the two green-eyed, stubborn women.

"Hallelujah," Damini said dramatically.


"I will be there by ten to pick you up, Damini. No tantrums when it is time to go home. Do not touch alcohol. Don't talk to stranger boys. Stick to your friend. Don't get separated. Keep your phone closer. Call me immediately if you feel uncomfortable. If you are using the restroom, check for any hidden cameras..." Shravan said once again.

"This is the hundredth time you are repeating this, jeeju. I remember each and every point," Damini said, rolling her eyes and hung up the call without waiting for her brother in law's response.

"Stop worrying. She will be fine," Drishti said, seeing that her husband was clock-watching ever since Damini left.

"She is a little girl. I don't know why sixteen-year-olds want to go to a college party," Shravan murmured.

"It's good that you are a boy. Imagine your fate if you were born a girl," Drishti talked to her sleeping son.

"I would have died with worry," Shravan said in response to her dialogue.

"Uh oh."

"But I would definitely love to have a little you," Shravan said, pulling Drishti into a tight embrace.

"Maybe you should think about giving birth if you want a little girl," Drishti said.

"But you love making babies," Shravan teased.

"I definitely love the process of baby making. But baby birthing? Not so much," Drishti said.

"That's a shame. I would have loved a little girl with fiery emerald green eyes," Shravan murmured against her neck.

"Well, if you so badly want a baby, you should get on with the baby-making process," Drishti said, and Shravan was only too happy to oblige.


I don't remember if I had posted this bonus chapter before here in wattpad. 

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