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Shravan walked behind Drishti carrying multiple shopping bags, as she walked ahead of him still full of energy

He groaned loudly as he saw her walk into yet another shop

Two hours down, she is still happily running around the mall, buying whatever takes her fancy

Shravan handed over the shopping bags to the guard at the counter and took the tokens in return.

He then followed Drishti into the shop

"Aren't you done yet, Drishti? You have got your shopping worth a year already done" Shravan said in exasperation

"I need some swim suits. Also a set of crocs. Yours is a beach resort right. So obviously we will go for swimming" Drishti said and she went through the selection of bikinis and swim suits.

"What do you think I should get. A bikini or a one piece?" Drishti asked and Shravan groaned

The woman has been doing a fashion show in front of him for the past two hours and he has been walking around in a half aroused state the entire time.

"Get whatever you want. I will wait for you in the food court" Shravan walked out of the shop leaving Drishti fuming

Drishti did her shopping quickly and met Shravan at the food court

"Let me go order. What do you want?" Shravan asked as soon as Drishti sat opposite him

"Pizza. And an Oreo shake" Drishti said as she placed her shopping bag next to her.

"Okay. I will go order them"

"Where are my shopping bags?" Drishti asked not seeing anything them around

"I already kept them in the car. We will go home after dinner" Shravan said

"But my shopping isn't over" Drishti protested

"What do you mean by not over? You have been shopping for two hours straight"

"Just two hours" Drishti said

"Just? Just two hours? Unbelievable" Shravan muttered in disbelief and walked away to order the food

They got their order soon and Shravan hoped like hell that Drishti would become lazy after being full.

No hope there.

"Come let's finish the shopping" she said and pulled her into a men's store

"Why are you shopping in a men's store? Are you planning cross dressing?"

"Not for me silly. It's for you. We didn't shop for you na. I didn't find a casual wears of you in the wardrobe. It is full of dull and drab suits. The only casuals I saw were your night wear" Drishti complained as she pulled him towards the men's casual section

"What is your waist size?" She asked and he answered in a daze

She picked up three or four jeans and handed them to him

"Let's go try them"

"Try? What is there to try. It is my size. If we want we can just take it" Shravan said

"How can you take without trying? What if it doesn't suit you" Drishti said

"Everything suits me" Shravan said without any arrogance. He was simply being truthful

Drishti rolled her eyes at the comment and pushed him into the gent's trial room

Shravan reluctantly walked in and tried all four jeans.

Drishti knocked from outside

"What is taking you so long?" Drishti asked impatiently

"I had to try four. Didn't I? How do you expect me to do that in a second?" Shravan asked in exasperation

Drishti gasped in outrage

"You tried all four? And you didn't show me. I modelled all the dresses for you and you couldn't return the courtesy. Open this door right now" Drishti demanded pounding on the door furiously

Shravan opened the door perplexed. He didn't think she would expect him to model for her

He was still wearing the last jeans he tried on.

Drishti saw him only in the jeans and let out a low whistle

"Shhh" he hissed at her not wanting to attract attention on them

"Now try these too." She dumped a heap of T shirts on his waiting arms.

"What the!"

"Hurry up. Its nearing their closing time" Drishti said

Shravan glared at her and pulled on a T shirt.

Drishti beamed at him

"Looking hot. Now next" Drishti ordered

He tried on all the T shirts much to her joy.

"Over?" Shravan asked in relief

"Yes. You are right, they all suit you. We will take all of them" Drishti said and Shravan stared at her in horror.

"What? All of them. Are you crazy? We will take two jeans and maybe four T shirts" Shravan said and walked out of the trial room, not leaving room for any argument

Drishti huffed and followed him

As they reached the billing counter, Drishti let out a dramatic gasp

"What?" Shravan asked in annoyance.

He is never taking her shopping again. If she wants to go shopping, she can very well go alone.

"I left a shopping bag at the food court. Oh God. Shravan, can you please go and get them for me?" Drishti asked with puppy eyes.

"You only had two shopping bags when you came to the food court" Shravan said

"No. I had three. Please. Pretty please. I loved that scarf very much. I don't want to miss it" Drishti said

Shravan's lips thinned

"Fine. I will go get it. Stay where you are. Don't wander around or get into another store for shopping. Today's quota is over" Shravan said sternly

"Ofcourse" Drishti nodded, too obediently

That should have been his first clue

As soon as Shravan was out of sight, Drishti turned to the man at the billing counter.

"Anna. Pack all these and bill them real quick. We don't have much time" Drishti urged

The manager, happy at the prospect of the huge sale obliged happily

Shravan returned twenty minutes later, not finding any shopping bag abandoned at the food court and saw Drishti smiling innocently at him, fluttering her eyelashes

And he realized he had been fooled.

He saw the multiple shopping bags and stared at her hard.

"I told you we are not talking all these, didn't I?" Shravan asked

"Its my first gift for you after our marriage? Will you refuse it?" Drishti asked acting all wounded.

"Dramebaaz" Shravan muttered under his breath


Here goes the next shot

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now