Shot 63

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Drishti couldn't get much sleep last night. She had twisted and turned the whole night, worrying over her talk with Vedant Khoda.

"You sure you are okay?" Shravan asked for the hundredth time, looking at the worry lines on Drishti's face.

"Yes Shravan. I'm fine" Drishti said

"Drishti, ever since we got married, I have never seen you having a fretful sleep. You always sleep with abandon. Nothing wakes you up. And you have barely had an hour sleep last night. So, if you are telling me that you are fine, I refuse to believe that" Shravan said

Drishti sighed.

"There is something that worries me. I don't know how to tell you" Drishti said

"Are you pregnant??" Shravan asked in panic.

"What?? Of course no, I'm not. We always use protection" Drishti said with a scowl.

"Well, nothing is hundred percent safe right. Anyway, that one is ruled out. So what is it that worries you?" Shravan asked

Drishti hesitated.

"Okay. Take your time. Tell me when you are ready. Know this, whatever it is, I will always be with you. No matter what" Shravan said

"Promise?" Drishti asked

"I promise" Shravan said with a soft smile and kissed her on the forehead before leaving for office.

Drishti leaned back on the couch after Shravan left, wondering how she is going to deal with this.

She dialed her father's number, wanting to know his point of view.

"Hello darling" Vihaan greeted as soon as he picked up the call.

"Hey Paa. How are you?" Drishti asked

"All good except for missing you. When will you come home?" Vihaan asked

"Probably soon" Drishti said

"Everything alright darling? You sound a little off" Vihaan asked

"Paa. You bought D Love from your sponsor right?"

"Yes. Anirudh Khoda. Why are you asking about it now?"

"I met his wife yesterday. His grandson too"


"You know him?" Drishti asked him

"Yeah. A very smart and determined boy. I have seen the fire in his eyes when he was a teenager. And he proved himself by winning back everything his family lost" Vihaan said impressed by the young man.

"Did you make any promise to him about selling D Love back to him?" Drishti asked the most dreaded question.

Vihaan remained silent, making Drishti heart slam against the ribcage with a fervor.


"It was a long time ago darling. Before we found Maa. Before I found out you are my daughter. Before we made D Love our paradise" Vihaan said softly.

"So you promised?" Drishti asked again

"Drishti, listen..."

"No Paa. Tell me, did you promise or not?" Drishti asked

"I did" Vihaan admitted.

"And would you have sold the island back to him, if it hadn't come to mean so much to us?" Drishti asked

She heard her father taking in a deep breath.

"Darling, I'm what I'm today, because Anirudh sir helped me achieve my dream. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to go to Harvard or make this empire. The island means as much to them as it means to us baby. So, yes, if the island hadn't come to mean so much to us, I would have given it back to the Khodas in a heartbeat" Vihaan said

It was Drishti's turn to remain silent.

"Darling, why are we talking about this now. The island is ours now. So there is nothing to worry about" Vihaan said

"Paa, you have never broken any of your promises Paa. Even when you had memory loss, you continued to love Maa without even knowing her. How can I let you break a promise you made to a teenage boy?" Drishti asked

"Did VK approach you Drishti?" Vihaan asked

"Yes. He was quite demanding and annoying. I refused to sell him the island. But then, I didn't knew about the promise you made." Drishti said

"What are you going to do now? You can't sell it to VK. How will Shravan react to it?" Vihaan asked

"That's what I'm worried about. But I have faith in our love Paa. I'm your daughter. If a memory loss and time couldn't destroy your love, do you think I will let the island destroy ours?" Drishti asked.

"You won't" Vihaan said with a smile.

"Wish me luck Paa. I'm going to take a very important decision" Drishti said


"Really? Daydreaming? Both of you?" Shravan snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Isha's voice.
He looked at Mithran, who was also evidently lost in some other universe.

"All okay Isha?" Shravan asked

"Are you two okay. Shravan, you seem lost since morning. And Mithran has been lost since a while now" Isha said rolling her eyes.

"It's nothing. You had lunch?" Shravan asked

"I have ordered for all three of us" Isha said

"I'm getting married" Mithran said shocking the hell out of the other two

"Excuse me. I think I heard wrong. What did you say?" Shravan asked

"You heard right. I'm getting married" Mithran said

"To who?" Isha asked

"A family friend" Mithran said

"Okay. So, when did all this happen. When might be the wedding?" Shravan asked, with a confused frown

"Probably in two weeks"

"Oh God. That soon? Is she pretty?" Isha asked

"God knows" Mithran muttered under his breath.

"What is happening Mithran?" Shravan asked

"I need to go home now. I will tell you guys in detail soon. Can we meet over for a drink. Call Abhay too" Mithran said

"Sure" Shravan said.

"That was weird" Isha said as soon as Mithran left.

"What is weird in getting married?" Shravan asked

"Getting married out of blue." Isha asked

"Well, atleast he has got two weeks to prepare himself before taking the plunge. Remember how it was for me and Abhay?" Shravan asked

"And you turned out lucky. Look at you, all in love. Who would have thought?" Isha teased making Shravan roll his eyes.

"Are you done?" Shravan asked

"Grumpy Shravan is back"


Here goes the next shot

The book will be over with one or two shots more.

Hope you guys are enjoying the book.

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now