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Two days later

Shravan was going through some files when the door opened and one of his best friends and business partner came in

"Mithran!! How is the construction going on??" Shravan asked. Mithran had been out of the city for a surprise inspection on their second resort construction site

Mithran manages the construction wing of SM while Shravan manages the business wing

Mithran Yadav is the M in SM

He had met Mithran during his Engineering course and they had instantly clicked.

After graduation, Shravan had left for post graduation in Harvard and Mithran had worked in an MNC in Delhi for two years.

Once he was back, they decided to get into the hotel business and thus they formed the new partnership that is SM Hotels.

Their first resort in Bangalore had been a success and now the construction of their second resort is progressing steadily

"Good evening to you too. I'm good and the journey was comfortable. Thank-you for asking" Mithran said sarcastically and Shravan sighed

"Sorry man!! This Malhotra deal has been giving me a headache for a while"

"As I said before, I think it's better to look for some other site for the new resort" Isha said coming into his cabin

"Good evening sweetheart" Mithran wished Isha with a flirtatious smile only to get a stink eye in return

"Isha!! You know I don't back down when I want something" Shravan said

"I know. But D Love is very special for the Malhotras. I don't think they will sell" Isha said

"And there's another news Shravan" Mithran said


"Vedant Khoda wants D Love" Mithran said and Shravan cursed under his breath

"Damn him!! He got to know I have my eyes on the island and now he wants that. Why else would the fashion mogul suddenly want the island"

Vedant Khoda could be termed as an enemy where Shravan is concerned

They had met during their Harvard days and had locked horns during the first week there.

All for a girl!!

He has in no way been related to the girl. Neither Vedant. The girl did the mistake of flirting with Vedant and the man insulted her publicly

Shravan interfered trying to defuse the situation and one thing lead to the other and VK became his rival

"This has got nothing to do with you Shravan. This is more personal" Mithran said

"What do you mean??"

"D Love belonged to the Khoda family before Vihaan Malhotra bought it ten years ago. They had to sell it because of some business losses caused by VK's father. Now VK has rebuild their business and he wants the island back. Rumors are that VK's great grandparents got married in that island, so the place holds emotional significance to the Khoda family"

"VK and emotions.Since when??" Shravan asked in astonishment

It's a well known fact that Vedant Khoda is heartless ruthless and downright mean.

"And I also heard that Vedant Khoda is going to propose Vihaan Malhotra's daughter's hand in marriage so that they could keep the island in both their families" Mithran shared the information he had collected

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now