Shot 64

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Drishti took in a deep breath and walked towards Shravan with a glass of iced tea.

"Here" she said and handed it to him with a bright smile.

He took the iced tea and drank it in a go.

"Shravan? Are you in a hurry?" Drishti asked

"Nothing important. What's it?" Shravan asked seeing the anxious look on her face.

"I want to tell you something. Something important." Drishti said

"Tell me Drishti. You have been worrying over this for a while now. It's high time you came out with it" Shravan said as he sat next to her.

Drishti took in a deep breath and blurted it out

"I'm selling D Love to VK"

Shravan stared at her for a moment, not really comprehending what she is saying


"Shravan, I'm selling D Love" Drishti repeated.

"You got to be kidding me. You are selling D Love to VK? VK??" Shravan asked in disbelief.

"Please listen to what I have to say" Drishti pleaded

"You know why I never brought up the topic of D Love after our first fight during our flight? Because I understand what the island means to you. Yes it took time to understand and it took a huge effort to give up on that project. But I did it for you. And now you are telling me you are selling it to VK" Shravan couldn't hide his disappointment and anger.

"You think I want to sell D Love? I have a reason for this Shravan. You listen to me. And you will understand" Drishti said

"I don't need to understand anything Drishti. You can do as you wish. I have to leave. I'm getting late" Shravan said and walked out of the penthouse.

Drishti sat back on the couch with a sigh.

She wanted to scream and she wanted to pull all her hairs apart.

Her phone rang and it was from her mother.


"Drishti, baby. Paa told me about the island. Did you talk to Shravan?" Divyanshi asked

"Yes Maa."

"How did he react?"

"How do you think Maa? He was furious. He walked out of the apartment without listening to what I have to say" Drishti said.

"Do you want me to talk to him baby?" Diya asked

"No maa. His anger is justifiable. And I know him. Once he cools down, he will come back to me to listen to my side. I will talk to him then" Drishti said

"You are so confident about it" Diya said rhetorically

"I'm. That man loves me more than anything in the world. Yes, I have been worried for a while about his reaction. But I know nothing would change the way he loves me. I'm confident in our love Maa" Drishti said

"I'm so happy to hear that. I don't think we could ever have found a boy as good as him, for you." Diya said

"We turned out lucky. Getting married without even knowing the name of the would be. That was one hell of a risk and we turned out lucky that it was us." Drishti said.

"God's grace" Diya said

"Moreover, whatever D touches, it turns gold. Is it any wonder that I made our relationship into a most precious one" Drishti said with attitude making her mother laugh.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now