Shot 55

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Sorry for the delay guys. I forgot today is friday🤪
⚠️ not proof read

"Damn you Shravan Maheswari. Damn you" Drishti cursed loudly and threw her phone onto the bed after trying to call him for the hundredth time in the last one hour.

It has been a month since their reception party and they had been back at Bangalore soon after.

Life went back to normal, with her attending the college and him going for work. The nights were special, spend in each other's arms, making sweet passionate love.

Everything were going good and smooth until the last week.

Her exam dates were announced last week and the sweet cute husband transformed into a tyrannical teacher.

As promised, he prompty shakes her awake at ungodly hours in the morning and demand that she study for her exams that were due in a month.

He even made a timetable and notes for her, to make it easier for her.

When he made notes for her? She has no idea.

And after a week of miseries, he had promised to take her out on dinner tonight, to make up for everything.

And there is no news of him so far.

She had been ready and waiting for the past two hours for him to come and get her for the dinner.

Drishti again picked up the phone and dialed Isha's number instead of dialing for Shravan.

"Hey Drishti. What's up?" Isha asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"Isha? Do you know where Shravan is?" Drishti asked not wasting time in pleasantries. She was in a very bad mood.

"A business meeting got prolonged Drishti. And the clients insisted on having dinner together. So Shravan and Mithran are out for dinner with them." Isha said

"Oh. Thank you Isha. I will talk to you later" Drishti said and hung up the call.

She was fuming. How dare he??

How could he forget that she would be waiting for the dinner.

How dare he forget that?

He could atleast have called and informed her.

She deserved atleast the minimum courtesy of being informed.

She wouldn't have waited for him like a fool if he had atleast sent a text message.

"He forgot about me? How could he?" She talked to herself as she paced to and fro in the bedroom.

In a flash second, she decided to pack an overnight bag and go for a sleep over at Siddhu's house

"He can cuddle his clients and go to sleep tonight" Drishti cursed.


Shravan cursed as he hurried towards the elevator of the apartment building in which he lives.

He should have called her and informed her about the business dinner, instead of sending her a mere WhatsApp message.

His mobile data was turned off and he didn't realise that the message he sent wasn't delivered to her.

On top of that, his phone had been on silent too.

How does all of these happen at once?

She will definitely skin him alive today.

He had been driving her mad for the past week by forcing her to study. And forgetting the dinner today would be the feather on top.

It must have been like showing the raging bull a red rag.

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