Shot 26

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Dedicated to Sam_Vida . Happy birthday darling ❤

"Enough of business discussions. I want to know what decision you both have made about this marriage" Divyanshi asked putting an effective stop to business talks

"I guess we should get going now leaving you guys to the family discussions," Mithran said and stood up along with Isha

Soon Isha and Mithran left wishing Shravan good luck.

Shravan was uncomfortable with the way Vihaan Malhotra was glaring at him

"Uh well!! How was the trip? Drishti mentioned you people were on a vacation" Shravan asked trying to get over the awkwardness

Vihaan Malhotra, his father in law! Who would have thought?

"It was going very well until we realised our daughter is staying at some strangers house and that she lied to us," Vihaan said shooting a glare at Drishti, who smiled sheepishly

"How did you guess??" Drishti asked and Vihaan rolled his eyes.

"So this is your Shravani huh??" Diya asked

"Shravani?" Shravan asked

"Uh well! Paa started interrogating me and I said I'm at a friend's place. He asked me the friend's name and I blurted out the feminine version of your name" Drishti said with a shrug.

"Drishti! Why didn't you call us? You should have informed us immediately" Vihaan said in disappointment

"I didn't want to ruin your vacation," Drishti said sulking

"How thoughtful," Vihaan said sarcastically

"Baby. You should have informed us. At least before starting to live with him. How could you go with a total stranger" Diya asked

"His mother asked me to give this relationship a chance. And she is a sweet lady. I couldn't say No to her" Drishti said and Shravan looked at her in surprise.

Is that why she wanted to give their relationship a chance? Because his mother wanted her to.

He didn't know whether to feel happy that she respected his mother's words or feel offended that she didn't want to give this a chance because of him

"And what if he was a serial killer? Or a psychopath?" Vihaan asked

Shravan frowned feeling offended

"Paa. Look at his face. Does he look like a serial killer? He looks too handsome to be a serial killer" Drishti said and Shravan felt his cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Is it any wonder that you always land in trouble?" Vihaan said with a resigned sigh

"And what is your decision now??" Vihaan asked

"You are leaving it to us?" Shravan asked in surprise. He thought Vihaan Malhotra would now demand him to give his daughter an annulment

"Do I look like an authoritative brute?" Vihaan asked

"No" Shravan admitted

"I love my daughters very much Maheswari. And I have always let them make decisions for themselves" Vihaan said

"Cool," Shravan said, his respect for Vihaan Malhotra increasing.

"So?" Divya prompted

"When di fights with me, will you be on my side jeeju?" Damini piped in

"Excuse me! He is my husband. So obviously he will be on my side" Drishti said with a scoff

Damini huffed in annoyance

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now