Shot 62

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"The door is not even locked. What an irresponsible guy" Drishti said as she found the main door unlocked.

"He must be too tired to come down and lock it" Siddhu said

"Let's go in and check" Drishti said and together they climbed upstairs.

As soon as they entered the room, they found Siddhu on the bed, fully covered by the blanket.

"Oy Siddhu" Drishti called out loudly making Siddhu groan.

"Go away" he muttered from under the blanket.

Drishti pulled at his blanket making him groan.

Drishti dialed Anjana's phone number and it was soon answered.

"Hello aunty. Yeah. I'm with him" Drishti said

"No no aunty. I think he is faking it" Drishti said and Shravan gaped at her.

Siddhu sat up on the bed with a scowl.

"Their professor had called up for some extra class before the semester begins. This is all his acting to escape the class" Drishti said

Siddhu coughed a couple of times and gestured Drishti to get him some water from the table.

"Oh my god. He is doing melodrama too aunty. He is out of control now. He should give a try in bollywood. Of course, with his looks, he won't get the lead role. Maybe be he could get the comedian role" Drishti said

Shravan shook his head in disbelief and poured a glass of water for Siddhu.

"Here. Drink this"

"Thank you Shravan bhai" Siddhu croaked.

"Okay aunty. I will call you later" Drishti said and hung up.

"Why are you here. Couldn't leave me alone in peace?" Siddhu asked scowling at Drishti.

"Cranky Siddhu" Drisht said in a sing song voice.

"Drishti. He is having fever" Shravan said in an admonishing tone.

"That's why I brought soup for him" Drishti said and took out the packed food

"I'm starving" Siddhu said as he got the smell of the chicken soup.

"Here. Vegetable soup for you" Drishti said and handed over a bowl to him

Siddhu frowned.

"I swear I can smell chicken" Siddhu said

"You can? That means you have no cold." Drishti said

"Is there chicken soup?" Siddhu asked

"Yes. But for me. Not for you" Drishti said

"What the hell D. Give me the chicken soup" Siddhu demanded.

"No way. You are sick. Stick to vegetable soup. There are carrot, peas, broccoli and yeah garlic" Drishti said and Siddhu made a yuck face looking at the vegetable concotion.

Drishti opened her phone and scrolled through it.

"Carrots contains lots of vitamin A. Peas contain fiber, proteins, Vitamin A B C and K. Broccoli contains..."

"Oh please. My stomach is already full with your boring class on vitamins and minerals. I hated it even during school" Siddhu said

"I know. And I love to do what you hate" Drishti said with a grin.

"Get lost"

"Oh did I mention garlic is a natural antibiotic" Drishti asked with a grin and got a pillow on her face as an answer.

"I hope I never get sick with Drishti around" Shravan muttered under his breath.


Two days later, Drishti was out at a cafe with Siddhu when she saw Vedant Khoda. He wasn't alone. An old lady was also with him.

"Hello Mrs Maheswari" VK greeted

"Hello Mr Khoda" Drishti greeted back.

"Dadi. This is Drishti. Vihaan Malhotra's daughter. You remember Vihaan Malhotra?" VK asked his grandmother, with a soft smile.

Drishti gaped at the total transformation and warmth in VK's attitude while talking to his grandmother. If her husband's character could be classified as a chameleon's, VK took it to the next level.

"Vihaan Malhotra? Of course I remember. Your dadu was very fond of him. He always believed that Vihaan Malhotra would grow to greater heights. And he did. He was very proud of Vihaan" The older woman said

"Paa has told us that his education abroad was funded by Khoda trust." Drishti said

"And he helped us in return when we were in need. My son made some wrong decisions and we had to sell a large part of our business and properties. And my grandson here is winning them all back" the older woman said looking at her grandson proudly.

"You remember, it was him who bought our island" Vedant said casually.

"Yeah. I remember. That was one of the most painful moments of my life. The island had been in our family for generations. I got married there. My in laws got married there. My son got married there. I hope one day, I get to see my grandchildren get married there too" The older woman said with a sigh.

Vedant chuckled.

"You remember dadi? Vihaan Malhotra promised me that he would see it back to me when I come for it" Vedant asked

The older woman smiled.

"Yeah. You were only sixteen. You were so determined to get the island back that you went and talked to him. And he said yes" the older woman said remembering the long ago day.

"He did?" Drishti asked, her heart slamming against her chest.

"It was such a long time ago. They were not serious" the older woman said waving it off.

Vedant Khoda gave a look that screamed he was bloody damn serious.

"Well. It was nice meeting you Drishti. Tell Vihaan I asked about him. He did come to meet me two years back" the older woman said

"Sure dadi" Drishti said

The older woman walked ahead and VK stayed back.

"I believe you are a daughter who would want to keep up her father's promise" VK said, the coldness back in his eyes.

Drishti glared at the man.

"That is unfair" Drishti said through gritted teeth.

"I never promised to play fair Mrs Maheswari" VK said

"You are ruthless. You brought your grandmother here on purpose didn't you? You had me followed?" Drishti asked

"Well well, not a stupid pampered princess as I imagined. You are actually pretty smart" Vedant said impressed


"Save the words Mrs Maheswari. You know where to meet me" VK said and walked away leaving Drishti torn between her love for the island and her father's promise.


Here goes the next shot.

How many of you expected Shreya drama between Siddhu and Shravan.

I saw a reel on Insta, your bff v/s my bff. That's were I got this idea of Siddhu fever. Because that's exactly how my bff behaves when I'm sick. Well, I'm no better🤪

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