Shot 56

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"Drishti. Honey, talk to me" Shravan said gently as they cuddled together in their bed.

Drishti had clung to him ever since they had come from the Agnihotri home.

"She hates me" Drishti mumbled into his chest

"She? Who? What are you talking about Drishti?" Shravan asked in confusion.

"Kiara bhabhi. She hates me. She thinks I go to their house because I still have feelings for Abhi bhai." Drishti said

"It must be some misunderstanding Drishti. There is no such thing" Shravan said

"No. She hates me. I swear it was a stupid crush when I was very young. He is like a brother for me now" Drishti said

"I know Drishti. Stop worrying over nothing"

"I heard them talking. She was fighting with Abhi bhai. She was furious because I went to their home. She said she doesn't like me going there always" Drishti said and Shravan could feels his shirt getting wet due to her tears.

"Oh honey. Don't cry. It must be a misunderstanding. Why didn't you talk to her. The Drishti I knew would never have walked away from there and sulked" Shravan said

"If it were someone else, I would have taught them a lesson. But this is Kiara bhabhi. I love Abhi bhai. I don't want them to have more problems in between them because of me." Drishti said

"Stop crying Drishti. I don't like your tears. We will talk to them. We will make her understand" Shravan said caressing her hair in an attempt to sooth her.

"How can she even think like that Shravan. I helped them get married. I risked myself to unite them. How can she think that I'm trying to lure Abhi bhai. I got married to a total stranger while trying to help them." Drishti cried

"She is very possessive Drishti. Overly possessive it seems. Such people wouldn't think the logic in it. They only focus on their feelings" Shravan said

"They are like a family to me Shravan. They are my family. How can I stay away from them." Drishti asked and Shravan's heart broke hearing the ache in her voice.

"You don't have to stay away from them Drishti. As you said, they are your family. We will find a solution to this. Now, be a good girl and sleep tight" Shravan said cuddling his wife close to his chest.

Drishti fell asleep soon and Shravan slipped out of the bedroom without making any noise.

He saw that he had multiple missed calls from Siddharth. As soon as he reached his study, he dialed Siddharth's number, which the other man picked up on the first ring.

"Shravan bhai? How is Drishti?" Siddharth asked without wasting any time on pleasantries.

"She fell asleep" Shravan said leaning against the glass window.

"I'm waiting outside. Can I come up Shravan bhai?" Siddharth asked and Shravan agreed

Twenty minutes later, Siddharth was sitting in front of Shravan, fuming.

"How dare she say that about D. How could she even think like that" Siddharth cursed

"Drishti's innocent crush has affected Kiara pretty badly" Shravan said and Siddharth scoffed

"This has nothing to do with Drishti's crush, Shravan bhai. That woman wants bhai all to herself. I didn't want to say this. I haven't even told D about all this. But after what happened today, I just need to get it off my chest" Siddharth said with a groan

"What's wrong?" Shravan asked in worry.

"She hates us all, Shravan bhai. I agree, she loves bhai a lot. A kind of obsessive love it has become. She doesn't like bhai spending time with us. When bhai is with Mom or Dad, she would make up some of the other excuse and take him up to their bedroom." Siddharth said

"Is that why Abhay looks worried always? Are there issues between Kiara and aunty?" Shravan asked, worried for both his wife and best friend.

"Honestly? She doesn't fight with us. She doesn't particularly talk with us. She is very silent. But I have heard her fighting with bhai many times. She doesn't have any materialistic demands. She simply needs bhai all to herself" Siddharth said

"She grew up in an orphanage Siddharth"

"I understand Shravan bhai. She never had anyone to call hers, all her life. Bhai is the first person in her life, whom she could call herself. I understand that she is becoming possessive because of that. She might not have gotten than kind of love before. But, that doesn't means she takes him away from us, Shravan bhai. He is ours too." Siddharth said

"I get it, Siddharth" Shravan agreed

"Bhai is suffering. He is caught between her and us. He couldn't choose one side." Siddharth said feeling bad for his brother's plight.

"We will talk to him Siddharth. He is suppressing everything within him. He needs to get it off his chest. Once he talks out, he might feel better." Shravan said deciding to talk to Abhay as soon as possible.

Personally he is not supportive of interfering between a couple. He wouldn't particularly like it if someone interferes in his and Drishti's matters. But here, he doesn't have a choice. Two important people in his life is hurting and he have to help sort it out somehow.

"Thank you Shravan bhai. For listening. I will talk to D, tomorrow" Siddharth said getting up from the couch.

"Yeah sure"

"Ah. Did she cry Shravan bhai?" Siddharth asked


"Then she will be having a headache in the morning. Give her a strong coffee as soon as she wakes up" Siddharth said

"Oh. I didn't knew" Shravan said with a frown.

"Because this is the first time she is crying after your marriage?" Siddharth asked

"Yeah" Shravan mumbled remembering the time when he saw the dry tear marks on her face, the day he shouted at her for disturbing him.

Did she have a headache that morning too? He wondered.

Siddharth bid a goodnight and left.

Shravan walked back to the bedroom and gently pulled Drishti into his arms and cuddled her to sleep.


Drishti woke up with a heavy headache. Her eyes felt gritty too.

She groaned as she sat on the bed.

"Here. Have the coffee" Drishti looked up and saw Shravan extending a cup of coffee for her.

"Thank you. I needed it" she said taking the cup from him.

"Siddharth told me" Shravan said and he sat next to her.

"Siddhu? When?"

"He was here last night. He was worried" Shravan said

"Did you tell him what happened?" Drishti asked

"I'm sorry, I did. He was very worried. So I told him" Shravan said and then explained what Siddhu had shared about Abhay and Kiara.

"Oh God. If I had any idea she would turn out like this, I would never have helped them get married" Drishti said

"Then we wouldn't have gotten married" Shravan said

"Maybe not the way we did. But I like to believe that we would have found our way to each other" Drishti said looking into Shravan's eyes intensely.

Shravan leaned forwards and pressed a soft kiss on Drishti's lips


Here goes the next shot

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now