shot 33

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"Anjali. Meet my wife, Drishti. Drishti this is our receptionist Anjali" Shravan made the introductions as he stood up from his chair.

"Hello Anjali. I told you I'm his wife. But you didn't believe me." Drishti said

"Sorry Ma'am. We weren't aware that Sir got married"

"Nobody knows. We eloped and married" Drishti said with a grin and Shravan stared at her in horror.

"Anjali. You can get on with your work" Shravan dismissed his receptionist and turned to Drishti

"Why did you lie?"

"You are the one who told me to keep the circumstances of the marriage a secret. So people will wonder why nobody knows about our marriage. So I thought the story of elopement would sound nice. I even have a story planned in my mind" Drishti said excitedly

"Really? Please do share the story with us too" Mithran asked in amusement

"You really want to know? Great" Drishti took a chair next to Mithran and started narrating a story about how some goons kidnapped her for ransom. And how Shravan came to rescue her as her knight in shining armor. And how he swept her off her feet and how they fell in love.

Shravan closed his eyes in disbelief

"Was drama in your life not enough that you made even the story dramatic?" Shravan asked and Drishti pouted.

"I thought it was a nice story" Drishti said with a pout

"Yeah. Nice for a dramatic movie. Not for me please" Shravan said and Drishti made a face.

"Is he always this boring?" Drishti whispered to Mithran

"As long as I have known him." Mithran said with a dramatic sigh which soon turned into a grin

"I'm sure his life is going to be very interesting from now on" Mithran added

"Ofcourse. Who is his wife after all" Drishti said, flicking her hair in attitude.

"Are you both done? If yes, please do tell me what you are doing here?" Shravan asked

"You forgot about the shopping? You promised me you would take me for shopping" Drishti narrowed her eyes at her new husband

"I made no such promises" Shravan said truthfully

"What? What do you mean by that. We talked about going for shopping last night" Drishti argued

"You talked about it Drishti. I didn't" Shravan said with a shrug

"That is not fair. You didn't say you wouldn't take me either" Drishti argued further

Mithran and Isha silently left the cabin leaving the couple to fight it out

"Neither did I say that, I will take you for shopping. You made all the decisions yourself." Shravan said as he went back to his laptop

"One day soon, I'm going to burn that thing" Drishti said glaring at the laptop

Shravan raised an eyebrow at her and went back to his laptop

When he had a little time to himself, he thought about everything that happened last night and he realized that if he let her, she would be making all the decisions in their life.

That is not something he is going to let happen.

"I'm asking you again. Are you going to take me shopping or not" Drishti asked

"It is only five now. According to the compromise we made, I only have to leave at six." Shravan pointed out

"There can be exceptions. What is going to happen if you leave an hour early a day" Drishti argued

Shravan shrugged

Drishti took in a deep breath to reign in her temper.

"So will you take me for shopping after six?" Drishti asked

She didn't particularly wanted company for shopping, but then she had refused a movie night with Siddhu for this shopping.

Now how will she face Siddhu next day and tell him that Shravan didn't take her for shopping.

That would bruise her ego.

Now way! If she gotta wait for an hour, then she will

And for what Shravan did now, she will definitely take revenge.

"Okay. I will wait till six" Drishti agreed

Shravan looked up from the laptop with a frown

How did she agree without a fight?

Does that mean she is planning something in that pretty little head of hers.

"You will?" He asked suspiciously

"Ofcourse I will" Drishti said, fluttering her eyelashes innocently, which further increased his suspicion

"Okay" Shravan nodded still not believing her innocent look

Soon, the cabin was filled with sounds of cows, goats chicks and some unidentifiable animals

"What the hell Drishti. I'm working here" Shravan snapped

"I know. And I'm waiting for you to finish your work. And I would be bored if I sit idle. So I thought I would play something while waiting for you" Drishti said shooting another innocent look at him

"Turn down the volume and play" Shravan said

"I made one compromise today Shravan. Next compromise should be yours. If the marriage has to work, we should make equal compromise. Shouldn't we?" Drishti asked and went back to her game without waiting for his response

Shravan tried to concentrate back on his work but was getting distracted by the weird noises coming from her phone

"Okay. Come on let's go and get the shopping done with" Shravan said in defeat

"Oh no. Not now. I gotta finish this task now. Then only I will be promoted to the next level. Just wait for five minutes Shravan" Drishti said without looking up from the phone

Shravan stared at her in disbelief

Here he is dropping his work to take her for shopping and this troublemaker couldn't give up her game

Shravan snatched her phone from her without paying attention to her protest

"What are you doing. I will lose" Drishti complained trying to get the phone from him

He slipped the phone into the inner pocket of his suit

"You wanted to go shopping. If you want, come now. Else there will be no shopping" Shravan said sternly

"Fine. Lets go. I'm going to make you bankrupt today" Drishti said angrily and walked out of his cabin, with Shravan following behind her briskly

Mithran raised an eyebrow at Shravan and again made an exaggerated show of looking at his wrist watch

"Oh my my. Coming late. Leaving early. What all I have to see dear God" Mithran teased him with a wink

"Shut up."


Here goes the next shot

Ah! Shopping with Drishti, Shravan is in for a🤪

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now