shot 35

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"Now let's go home" Shravan said and they walked out of the men's apparel store

"Oh no. There is a little more to buy" Drishti said

"What more is there Drishti?" Shravan snapped at the end of his tethers.

"Let's go to the supermarket. We need to buy lots of snacks and drinks" Drishti said

"You make a list. I will get Rajesk kaka to buy them tomorrow. Let's go home" Shravan said

"Tomorrow? What if I get hungry tonight?"

"Tonight? We already had our dinner Drishti. Why would you get hungry again"

"Don't you know what Nisha told Jagdish? Forty calories gets burned when you-" Drishti began to say when Shravan cut her off mid way

"Who are Nisha and Jadgish?"

"You haven't watched the movie Thuppakki?" Drishti asked

"Uh no. I don't watch movies" he said and Drishti stared at him as if he said he was from Mars

"You don't watch movies? How can someone not watch movies? How boring is that?" Drishti asked

"What did Nisha tell Jadgish?" Shravan asked not wanting to dwell more on the topic boring

"Oh that. Nisha said that forty calories gets burned in one deep kiss. Which is equal to thirty minutes of speed walk, twenty minutes of swimming, ten minutes of skipping" Drishti said coolly

"What??" He asked in disbelief

"You heard me. So just imagine how many calories we are going to burn tonight. I'm definitely going to get hungry" Drishti said cheekily

"Damn. How could you say this so coolly. That too in a public place. Don't you think before you speak?" Shravan asked, getting turned on by the thought of all the calories they are going to burn tonight

"Why waste time thinking?" Drishti shrugged and they soon reached the supermarket.

"You go ahead and get whatever you want" Shravan said and Drishti walked towards the snacks section with a trolley.

Shravan too picked up a few things and brought it towards the billing counter where he decided to wait for Drishti

He saw the condoms arranged on the stand near the billing counter and was having a mental discussion on whether to buy or not

Are they ready to go the whole way this soon? He thought

"I don't like strawberry flavour. I like all other flavors" he heard Drishti say and looked at her in horror

"What??" He asked looking around, making sure no one else heard their conversation. Thankfully, the man at the counter was busy with a customer

"What? See if there is cookies and cream?" Drishti asked as she kept the things she got on the billing counter

Shravan frowned. Is that flavour available?

Drishti rolled her eyes.

"I will get them" she said and Shravan gaped at her

Drishti walked towards the freezer next to the billing counter and opened it, searching for cookies and cream icecream in it.

Shravan let out a breath realising she has been talking about icecream

"See. We have cookies and cream. Which is your favourite?" Drishti asked as she placed two tubs of her favourite icecream on the counter

"I don't have a favourite. I eat all flavours" Shravan said

"Well, you will have to get a tub of your own. I don't share my food. Especially ice creams" Drishti warned

Shravan shook his head and took a tub of Italian delight ice cream for himself.

They paid for the items and walked out of the supermarket

"Finally" Shravan sighed in relief earning a scowl from Drishti

"You are a bad company for shopping" Drishti complained

Shravan's nostrils flared in anger.

He had spent around four hours walking around the mall, carrying her bloody shopping bags and she is calling him a bad company

"You keep complaining. What is the point of complaining when I'm not going to stop until I'm satisfied" Drishti asked

"That's right. I'm a bad company. Don't expect me to take you shopping next time. You are on your own" Shravan said and walked towards the car, with a sulky Drishti following behind

As they settled in the car, Drishti folded her one leg beneath her and turned sideways facing Shravan

"Let's play twenty questions" Drishti said excitedly

"What are we? Twelve?"

Drishti huffed in annoyance

"How do you expect us to get to know each other. I googled how to bond with your husband. Playing twenty questions is one of them" Drishti said

"Fine. You start" Shravan conceded as he has nothing better to do while driving

"Cool. Tea or Coffee?" Drishti asked


"Same pinch. Next, beaches or hill stations?"


"Yay. Me too" Drishti clapped her hands and then added "so definitely our honeymoon could be at some exotic beaches. How about Carribean islands. I have seen pictures of the place. It's so beautiful. Or maybe Maldives" Drishti said

"We will see" Shravan said, as as a picture of himself and Drishti sunbathing in a private villa somewhere in Caribbean flashed through his head

"Okay. Next question. In a regular day, what do you find yourself thinking about the most?" Drishti asked

"Work" Shravan said without skipping a beat

Drishti made a face at that

"You were supposed to take my name. That is what any romantic husband would do" Drishti complained

"Its already an established fact that I'm not romantic, isn't it?" Shravan asked earning a scowl in return

"Okay. Now my turn. Any allergies? Shravan asked, going for the practical questions rather than wasting time on favourite colors or favourite flowers

"No" Drishti shook her head

"Any other medical histories that I should know about?" Shravan asked

"No" Drishti said with a scowl

"Great. You ask the next question" Shravan said

"What if I had a medical history? Would you have given up on working on this marriage?" Drishti asked

Shravan looked up at her in surprise

"Ofcourse No. I asked so that I wouldn't be taken by surprise incase anything happens. I like to be prepared Drishti" Shravan said

"If you say so"

"We will have to put a break to the game. We reached home" Shravan said with a smile


Here goes the next shot

Poor Shravu, finally managed to pull Drishti out of the mall.

By the way, how many calories will they burn tonight? What do you guys think? 😉

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now