Shot 57

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Siddharth was messaging Shreya when he felt a presence beside him. He looked up to see Drishti standing there with her hands on her hips. He texted a brb to Shreya and focused on Drishti.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Siddhu asked

"How could you hide such a big thing from me? Such a huge issue was going on at home and you never mentioned it to me?" Drishti asked as she sat next to him

"Even you didn't tell me about yesterday." Siddhu pointed out

"You were the one who hid things first" Drishti accused

"You too hid things from me" Siddhu argued

They both stared at each other, not willing to give up the fight.

"Apologise now" Drishti demanded

"Like hell I will" Siddhu scoffed

"If you didn't hid these things from me, I would have told you what happened last night" Drishti said making Siddhu sigh.

"I didn't think it right to share the issues between a couple" Siddhu said

"You have a point there" Drishti accented.

They both remained silent for a few seconds.

"I can't believe that we needed a third person to communicate" Siddhu said shaking his head in disbelief

"He is not a damn third person. He is the man I love" Drishti said glaring at her bestfriend

Siddhu made a gagging face earning a wack from Drishti

"Remember? That man holds the key to your love life" Drishti reminded him

"Excuse me. This is twenty first century. Shreya wouldn't need her brother's permission to date me" Siddhu said smugly.

"You are right. But we are still living in India. Could you see yourself getting married peacefully without Shravan's acceptance?" Drishti asked with a smirk

"He will accept me. What is there to not accept. I'm handsome. I'm educated. I have a well settled family. My brother is his best friend, mind you. I'm the perfect candidate" Siddhu said confidently

"Self obsession is a negative mark on you Siddhu" Drishti pointed out.

"He is happily married to a self obsessed woman. So, I think he will over look that point" Siddhu said with a grin

"I'm not self obsessed" Drishti argued

"If you say so. By the way, who confessed first?" Siddhu asked leaning forwards to listen to juicy gossips.

"No one did" Drishti said sulkily

"Why not? You just said you love him" Siddhu said with a confused look

"I do. But I won't confess until he does" Drishti said with attitude

"Since when did Drishti Singhania become so cliche? Knowing you, I would have thought you would have confessed first" Siddhu said shaking his head in disappointment making Drishti frown.

"You think so? What if he doesn't says he loves me too" Drishti asked in worry

"An insecure Drishti Singhania? OMG!" Siddhu said with a dramatic gasp

"Shut up and get lost" Drishti said glaring at her best friend

"Seriously D. That guy is crazy about you. The whole world can see. Why the hell are you unsure about it?" Siddhu asked

"You think so?" Drishti asked eagerly

"Ofcourse D. The man made such a huge gesture of renewing your vows on the reception day. Why would he do that if he doesn't love you" Siddhu asked

"You think I should confess first?" Drishti asked

"Ofcourse D. You are The Drishti Singhania. Drishti Singhania never waits for anything" Siddhu said

"You are right. I'm going to make a grand confession. A candle light dinner. Champagne. Slow dancing. Wow. I can't wait" Drishti said excitedly

"Get a ring. Go on your knees" Siddhu said


"Yes. Why should boys always do that?" Siddhu asked

"That's right. And Siddhu, it's Drishti Maheswari"

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, it's time for the next class. Bye babes" Siddhu said blowing a flying kiss her way.

Drishti quickly held his hand

"Siddhu. Don't hide anything from me from now on"

"I didn't mean to D. You were so happy with Shravan bhai, that I didn't want to spoil your happiness with the problems at home" Siddhu said

"They are my family Siddhu."

"I know D. I won't hide anything from you again" He said and pulled her into a hug.

Drishti wrapped her arms around him.

"You too, don't hide anything from me, like last night" Siddhu said and dropped an affectionate kiss on top of her head.

"I won't"


"Why didn't you tell us anything Abhay?" Mithran asked

"Abhay, I understand. Issues between couple are not to be discussed with a third person. But when it starts affecting you in every way, you should share it with someone. We have been seeing you all distressed for a while now. Last night Drishti cried herself to sleep. I just can't see her like that again Abhay" Shravan said

"I didn't know how to handle this. I'm out of my depth here" Abhay said with his head in his hands.

"What exactly is the issue?" Mithran asked

"She is very insecure. Nothing seems to cure that. I understand. I really do understand where she is coming from. But things are getting out of control" Abhay said

"Try counselling Abhay" Shravan said

"I'm thinking about it"

Shravan's phone pinged and he opened it to see that it was a WhatsApp message from the daughter of one of his investors.

He opened the message and saw that it was a photograph of Drishti and Siddharth. The duo was in each other's embrace and Siddharth was kissing on Drishti's head.

Shravan fisted his fingers in fury and got up from his chair startling the other two.

"What's wrong?" Abhay and Mithran asked at the same time.

"I have to go" Shravan said and attempted to move past his friends, who immediately blocked him

"What's the matter, Shravan. You look like you are about to kill someone" Mithran said

"I might" Shravan said through gritted teeth and showed his phone screen to the others

"Shravan. They are best friends. I told you how they are in the beginning itself. Don't do something stupid, Shravan" Abhay said hurriedly

"I know my wife Abhay." That's all Shravan said before walking out of his office.


Here goes the next shot

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now