Shot 51

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"What the hell is going on here?" Shravan asked looking between his wife and grandfather.

Tej Maheswari colored a bit at the embarrassment of being caught by his grandsons.

"Nothing" Tej said waving a hand in a dismissive gesture.

Drishti raised an eyebrow and looked at Tej Maheswari who glared at her in return

"It didn't seem like nothing dadu" Sharan said with a frown.

"Is that a game board?" Shravan asked pointing at the tea table behind them and he was fascinated by the red color spreading across his grandfather's cheeks.

Was his grandfather playing a board game?

That too with Drishti?

"Laala Singh took it out for dusting" Tej Maheswari said

"Now who is the liar?" Drishti mocked

"You shut up girl!"

"Why were you two fighting?" Shravan asked

"Like kids" Shravan heard Siddharth saying and that's when he noticed Siddharth sprawled across the couch with an amused look on his face.

"Siddharth. Why don't you tell me what's going on here?" Shravan asked and Siddharth stood up.

"Why not" Siddharth said with a shrug.

"D dug the game board out of the attic. Dadu here, scolded her saying that it's an ancestral property and is not for rough use" Siddhu said

"I mean, like seriously? A game board is a game board. It is used for playing, isn't it?" Drishti asked still not understanding what senior Maheswari's point was.

"This game board has been passed on for generations and generations. It's like a heirloom. A Maheswari heirloom" Tej said proudly.

"A heirloom which had been dumped in the attic for all these years. A heirloom, which was never given a second glance until today." Drishti pointed out.

"That's not the point here. It has only ever been used during royal parties. Where our province had hosted entertainment for other royal families" Tej Maheswari said

"Excuses excuses. You just admit it that you simply wanted an excuse to fight with me" Drishti accused and a tell tale color of crimson slashed across the angry Maheswari's cheeks.

"See. I'm right" Drishti crowed

"What were these accusations of liars and cheaters?" Shravan asked

"Well, D and Dadu came to a compromise" Siddhu said

"Really?" Shravan asked in surprise

"A compromise as in a competition. They would play a game. If D wins, the game board stays here. If dadu wins, it goes back to the attic" Siddhu said

Shravan stared at his grandfather in astonishment.

His grandfather, the great Tej Maheswari, got into a challenge and was playing a board game with Drishti?

What is happening in his life?

"And this girl cheated her way through the game. The dice showed three and she should have been gulped down by this huge snake." Tej Maheswari accused

"Excuse me, dadu. You weren't wearing your glasses, so you couldn't see properly. But it was a four. And I reached hundred and I won the game" Drishti said

"Shouldn't you get a one and come out of the board to win the game?" Sharan asked in confusion earning a glare from both Drishti and his grandfather.

"You were playing snake and ladder?" Shravan asked still staring at his grandfather in wonder.

If it were a game of chess or monopoly, he could have understood better.

But Tej Maheswari playing snake and ladder?

He found it too hard to digest.

"What is wrong with snake and ladder?" Tej asked feeling offended.

"Exactly, what is wrong with snake and ladder?" Drishti asked

"There is no rule that adults shouldn't play a game of snake and ladder" Tej said and Drishti nodded in agreement.

"Now you two are a team?" Shravan asked, his jaw grazing the floor with the shocks that he has been receiving one after the other in the last one month.

"What if we are? She is the bahu of Maheswari khaandan. We should be supportive of her" Tej Maheswari said

"Aww. Aren't you the cutest dadu ever?" Drishti asked and hugged the old man's arm happily.

Tej Maheswari gurmbled something under his breath.

"Why don't we go for our usual walk in the garden?" Drishti asked and the old man nodded.

"Usual walk?" Shravan asked in confusion

"Oh! I have been dadu's walking companion for the past few days" Drishti said and leaned towards him and whispered "how's the surprise?"

He stared at the duo walking towards the garden, bickering with each other.

Sharan slipped away from there without catching their attention

"She wanted to give you a surprise. But today's fight came as a surprise for her too" Siddhu said

"It was more of a shock. I had no idea" Shravan said still in daze.

"She is a charmer Shravan bhai. You must be aware of that by now" Siddhu teased

Shravan rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Hey" Siddhu turned around to see Shreya smiling at him

"Hey. What's up?" Siddhu asked, too happy to see her.

"I was going for a walk. There is a lake a fifteen minutes walk from here. Then I thought you have been here for two days and you only saw the palace. Do you want to come for a walk?" Shreya asked nervously

"Lead the way, princess" Siddhu said and a pretty blush crept up Shreya's cheeks.

Siddhu loved it how she always tucked that disobedient strand of hair behind her ears. He loved the blush the crept up her cheeks almost always. He loved the way her right cheek dimpled when she smiled.

"You and bhabhi are in the same college, right?" Shreya asked

"Yes. But she's doing Civil engineering. I opted for computer engineering" Siddhu said

"How did you become best friends then?" Shreya asked

"We have been friends since school days. We went to PLC together" Siddhu said

"PLC? You guys went to PLC? That's where I study" Shreya said in surprise

"Woah. And we never met?"

"I just joined last year. I did my schooling till tenth grade in another school"

"Oh. So what are your plans for college? Decided on what course you want to do?" Siddhu asked

"I would like to do chemical engineering. Both my brothers did their graduation in Bangalore. And I have even watched a sound Indian movie named Bangalore days. Ever since, I have wanted to go to Bangalore and do my studies" Shreya said and Siddhu grinned.

"That's awesome. You can join our college. If you need any help in Bangalore, you could always ask me" Siddhu said

"Bhaiyya is there, right? He will manage everything. Still, thankyou for offering help" Shreya said

"Yeah right! Shravan bhai and Drishti would be there to help you" Siddhu said sulkily.


Here goes the next shot.

I know I'm on a break.

I was in a mood and wrote this, and couldn't stop myself from updating 😁

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