Shot 42

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By the time Shravan reached the bedroom after cooling off his grandfather, he heard the loud music coming from a small speaker on the bed side table.

And Drishti was dancing to the fast music, on the bed, with total abandon.

Her eyes were closed and her hands and hips were swaying in rhythm to the music

His lips formed a thin line realising that nothing seems to affect her in any way.

She had an argument with him in the afternoon. Then she had an argument with his grandfather in the evening. And now she is dancing away on his bed, with no care of the world.

He walked towards the speaker and switched it off.

"Break ya fuckin' neck, bitches
Yeah, yeah, here we go now" Drishti sang loudly off pitch, without realizing the music has stopped.

Shravan folded his arms across his chest and glared at her, waiting for her to notice his presence

"The way you break yo' back and I break yo' neck" Drishti trailed off, suddenly realising only her voice was heard in the room.

She opened her eyes and saw her husband glaring at her.

She smiled sheepishly and got down from the bed.

Her smile bounced off him with no effect.

Drishti rolled her eyes, seeing him still glaring at her.

"Okay fine. Stop glaring. I'm sorry about the silk shirt. I shouldn't have thrown water at you. But you shouldn't be wearing silk shirts on normal days. Try wearing some practical clothes" Drishti said

"Given that swimming in the fountain is not normally part of my day, a suit is perfectly practical." He said and moved closer to where she is standing

"We need to agree to some boundaries while we're staying here in the palace." He said

"Boundaries? Yippee." Drishti pulled a face and then saw his expression and shrugged. "OK. Fire away."

"The first is that you don't swim in the fountain."

"Why not?"

"Because it isn't designed for swimming."

"It's water. What else do you need to swim?"

"It is an ornamental pond, designed in the nineteenth century by a famous landscape architect. Flown from Italy" He said the words carefully, as if speaking to a child.

"The palace opens the garden several times a year to interested visitors. The fountain is part of the tour. It's an object of interest to historians. It is not for bathing."

"Then whoever designed the fountain must have been a real tease because every normal person would automatically want to leap in it to cool down."

Shravan kept glaring at her.

"Could I swim in it if I promise to leap straight out if I see a coach party coming?" She asked and his expression went from black to thunderous and she rolled her eyes.

"Right, no fountain." She said sulkily

"There is a swimming pool on the south wing. When we've finished here I'll show you the way."

"I bet it doesn't have a fountain in the middle of it."

He ignored her interruption.

"I am not looking forward to removing you half naked from the fountain, Drishti. And while we are here, when I ask you to do something, I expect you to comply without argument."

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now