Shot 19

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Drishti came out of the shower in her grey shorts and cream colored camisole ,water dripping from her hair.

Shravan stared at her and his mouth went dry seeing her half naked form.

When will he get used to this?? He thought.

How is a man supposed to control himself when his wife walks around looking donwright sexy.

He saw her taking a bottle of lotion and poring it onto her palms. She then rubbed her hands together and started applying the lotion on her long legs.

Shravan gulped hard. He had maintained a celebate life for 26 years. Even when he was at Harvard ,where casual flings and affairs are a common thing ,he had remained indifferent.

Then what is it about Drishti that pulls his like a magnet

Like a moth to the flame.

"I'm in love with the shape of you.
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body" he heard Drishti humming while applying lotion on her swan like neck.

Why God?? Why?? Didn't she get any other song to humm

Shravan groaned out loud earning Drishti's attention.

Drishti looked up at him and sucked in a breath seeing the hot passionate look in his eyes.

"What??" Drishti asked with her heart in her mouth

"Cover up" he said and threw the blanket at her

"What??" She asked pulling the blanket off her.

"Either cover up with the blanket or wear something decent" Shravan ordered and Drishti fumed.

"And who the hell are you to order me around. I will wear whatever I like." Drishti said

"Do you realise how provoking your dressing is??" Shravan asked

"You are just like your grandfather. Stuck in some eighteenth century where people believe the fault is always with a girl's dressing style." Drishti accused

"What?? That's not what I meant" Shravan said

"That's exactly what you said. The age old adage 'the woman tempted me'. For your information ,I have always been wearing modern dresses. These are the night dresses I feel comfortable in. No one here complained before" Drishti said

"You have been wearing these dresses outside this room too?? In front of Abhay too??" Shravan asked and Drishti's lips thinned in annoyance.

Shravan breathed in and out. He is being unreasonable ,he realised. What she wears is her wish. If it is testing his control ,that is something he have to deal with. There is no use pointing a finger at her.

"Okay cool! I over reacted" he said raising his hands up in surrender.

"I know. I'm always right" Drishti crowed walking towards the bed ,but she tripped on the carpet and lurched forwards

Shravan on a reflex held her and both of them tumbled on to the bed

"Uff..." Shravan muttered feeling the blow

He could feel her hot breath against his throat and feel her body against his through the thin material of her camisole.

Drishti stared at him feeling the heat of his body.

Damn!! He is so hot!!

Her breathing quickened at the close proximity.

Shravan raised his one hand and gently tucked the strands of her hair behing her ears. His other hands was secured around her.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now