Shot 13

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Drishti came out of the bedroom wearing an orange checkered shots and grey t shirt.

Her hair was left open and still wet. She walked straight to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and poured herself some juice. Then she looked towards the living room and saw Shravan still at the same place working seriously on his laptop

"Do you want some juice??" She asked out loudly gaining his attention

Shravan looked up from the laptop and saw his wife standing near the refrigerator with bottled juice raised high so that he could see.

"Yeah sure" he mumbled distracted by her long legs exposed for view

Shravan shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Don't be a creepy pervert, he told himself

Drishti came with two glasses of juice and sat across him and crossed her legs and his eyes darted towards her legs once again

They look so smooth and silky!! Does it feel silky too??

"Juice" she said handing him a glass snapping him out of his fantasy land

"Uh yeah" he said flustered and gulped the juice in a go

Drishti stared at him fascinated by the reddening of his ears and neck

Is he blushing?? Why?? For a glass of juice??

Then she saw his eyes straying towards her legs and then guiltily looking away closing his eyes

Drishti smirked

So he isn't that indifferent to her.

Okay!! Why not take advantage of it!!

Drishti finished her juice and stretched herself on the couch giving him a better view of herself and took her phone and stared at it.

Though her eyes were on her phone, she was very closely attuned to Shravan's movement

Shravan stared at the sight in front of him and gulped

"What are you doing??" He asked huskily

Drishti looked up at him from her phone with her most innocent look

"I'm scrolling through my Instagram page. Why??"

"Go to the room and do whatever you want"

"Why?? Am I distracting you in any way??" She asked cheekily

Shravan narrowed his eyes at her

"You are doing it on purpose" Shravan accused

"Doing what??" She asked with tongue in her cheeks, her green eyes sparkling with mischief

Shravan stood up from where he was sitting and in a swift move he was on top of her stunning her

He touched her lower lips with his thumb and caressed it slowly

Drishti squirmed under him trying to get out of his hold

"What are you doing?? Get off me" Drishti said trying to push him off but he was way too stronger than her for that to happen

"Why?? This is what you wanted right??" Shravan asked moving his index finger sensuosly from her forhead through her nose and lips ,slowing as they reached her throat and moved it even more slowly towards her cleavage.

Drishti caught hold of his hand tightly when it reached her cleavage

"Stop stop stop" Drishti cried out in panic

She hadn't even had her first kiss yet and he's touching her like that!!

Her heart is running a marathon and she could feel it in her throat now. Two more minutes and it would jump out of her body not able to take it anymore.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now