Shot 43

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"Come come. Sit here" Anuradha said as soon as her son and daughter in law came

"Mom. What is it?" Shravan asked

Anuradha Maheswari brought a large antique box out of the cupboard and placed it on the bed

"These are the family jewels. They were passed on for generations. My mother in law gave me these when I first came here. Now these are for you" Anuradha said

"Woah" Drishti exclaimed seeing the antique pieces in the box

"You like them?" Anuradha asked

"Yes. They are all beautiful aunty." Drishti said not wanting to hurt her mother in law. Admittedly the jewels are all beautiful. But they are too heavy. And Drishti is not a fan of heavy jewels

"I know. But they are not easy to use. They are so heavy. These are passed onto the younger generations. So you can keep them and pass on to your children in the future" Anuradha said with a smile

"I'm very careless aunty. I think it would be safer with you. I can get them whenever I want them" Drishti said

"Okay. But I have got you some things too" Anuradha said and took another jewel box, which was comparatively smaller than the first

"Oh. These are so pretty." Drishti gushed seeing the simpler jewels Anuradha bought for her.

There was a platinum chain, with a small diamond pendant. A set of diamond studs. A matching set of bracelets and ring.

"Divya told me you prefer simpler jewellery. So I bought these for you." Anuradha said

"Oh. Thank you so much aunty. You are the best" Drishti said and hugged her mother in law

"Mom. If all the gifts were for Drishti, why did you ask me to come?" Shravan asked

"Don't be a jelly Shravu jaan" Drishti teased earning an eye roll from her husband

"I called you here because I want you to give Drishti something" Anuradha said

"What?" Shravan asked

"As per our family customs, when the elder son gets married he has to make his bride wear this. But your marriage happened so suddenly and unexpectedly, this totally skipped our mind" Anuradha said taking a square velvet box .

Anuradha opened it and Drishti gasped

"Is that a tiara?" Drishti asked

"Yes. If our country was still under royal rule, you would have been a princess Drishti. All the princesses ought to have tiaras. This is actually not the one passed on for generations. That one was heavy. My mother in law wanted a simpler one. So she made this taking stones out from the original one. Now this is yours" Anuradha said and handed it over to Shravan

"Wow. I'm a princess with a tiara. Oh god! I can't wait to tell Damini. She will so jealous" Drishti said grinning

"Shravu, make her wear it. She will have to wear it for the reception too" Anuradha said

"Okay" Shravan said and took out the tiara from the velvet box

He turned to Drishti with a smile

"Aunty. Please take some photos" Drishti said and handed over her phone to Anuradha

Anuradha clicked away photos after photos of Shravan making Drishti wear the tiara.

"Oh. I'm a princess. A real princess" Drishti gushed dreamily making Shravan chuckle

"You are such a kid" Shravan said pulling her cheeks fondly

Anuradha Maheswari raised an eyebrow seeing that gesture and Shravan stepped back feeling embarrassed

"Uh. I have an important call to make. I will see you at dinner" Shravan said and hurried out of the bedroom.


Drishti hurried downstairs the next morning as soon as she got the news that her family has reached

"Wow. Is this a palace?" She heard Damini ask with wide eyed wonder

"Yes. And guess who the princess of this palac3 is?" Drishti asked giving a regal pose in front of her sister.

"Who?" Damini asked innocently

"Her Highness Drishti Maheswari. Princess of Maheswari Royal Family" Drishti said with attitude

"Princess? You are a princess now?" Damini gasped

"With a tiara" Drishti pointed out

"Can I have a tiara too?" Damini asked

"No. You are not a princess. How can you have a tiara" Drishti said making Damini pout

"Or maybe the princess's sister could have a tiara. What do you think Mom?" Shravan asked seeing the fallen face of Damini

"Really?" Damini asked excitedly as she heard her brother in law

Shravan nodded

Damini jumped throwing herself at her brother in law and gave a loud kiss on his cheeks.

"You are the best jeeju" Damini squealed in happiness

Drishti hugged her parents and took them to their bedroom.

Shravan accompanied them.

Vihaan and Diya were settling their things in the room when Damini came running inside from the balcony

"Di Jeeju. There is a big fountain in the garden" she said excitedly and Shravan looked at Damini in alarm

Drishti grinned

"It's beautiful right?" Drishti asked

"Can we go swimming di. Can we, can we?" Damini asked jumping up and down in excitement

Drishti made a sad face

"You will have to ask your jeeju, Damini. Your jeeju is the one to decide" Drishti said and Damini rushed to her brother in law.

"Can we go now jeeju?"

"It is not used for swimming Damini" Shravan said gently

"Why not?" Damini cried appalled at the thought of not using the tempting fountain for swimming

"Nobody swims there"

Damini made a puppy face and looked at Shravan

"Can we please, jeeju?" Damini asked blinking her eyes innocently.

Drishti came and stood next to Damini and looked at Shravan with puppy eyes

"Can we please, Shravan" Drishti asked blinking her eyes innocently

Shravan looked between the sisters and groaned

"Pretty please" the sisters said in a chorus

"Okay Fine. But no one should know. It should stay between us three. And we can go only at night after dadu goes to sleep. Is that a deal?" Shravan asked accepting defeat

"Yay" the sisters cheered and hugged him from either sides making him smile

"He stole my girls from right under my nose" Vihaan, who was watching the scene, murmered to Diya earning a jab in his ribs.


Here goes the next shot.

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