Shot 44

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Drishti spend the rest of the morning with her parents, choosing the outfit and accessories for the reception party.

She had chosen a red and golden coloured heavily worked lehenga and heavy jewels from the ancestral jewel set her mother in law had given her.

She had to dress up as a royal bride and Drishti quiet liked the idea of that.

Especially since she will be wearing the tiara too.

She couldn't wait to click pictures and post them on her Instagram with #princessmaheswari as caption.

"Drishti, where is Shravan?" Anuradha asked and Drishti frowned

"I don't know. I didn't see him" Drishti said

"Jeeju went upstairs half an hour ago" Damini said, scrolling through the iPad her brother in law gave her half an hour ago, asking her to choose which tiara she wanted.

"Lunch will be served in an hour. I will ask someone to go up and call him" Anuradha said

"No aunty. I will go call him" Drishti said and left to their room.

As she entered the room she saw Shravan sleeping peacefully. He was lying on his stomach hugging a pillow.

"Oh my. I have never seen you sleeping. I always fall asleep first and you wake up first" Drishti said in a low voice, realising that this is the first time she was seeing a sleeping Shravan Maheswari.

She tip toed towards him and sat next to him. She raised a finger and touched the tip of his nose.

When he didn't respond to that, she let her finger explore his face.

"How cute you look when you are asleep" Drishti talked to him, not bothered by the fact that he is sleeping.

"I'm tempted to kiss you awake, sleeping beauty" Drishti mumbled softly

"What are you waiting for then?" Drishti gasped when she heard him talk

"You were awake?"

"I woke up when you opened the door" Shravan said opening one eye and looking at her.

"Why didn't you tell me then"

"I thought you would kiss me awake" Shravan said and in a swift move pulled her beneath him making her squeal.

"What do you think you are doing Mr Mr Maheswari"

"I'm thinking about kissing my wife, Mrs Maheswari" Shravan said and slammed his mouth on hers.

Drishti wound her arms around his neck reflexively and pulled him closer. Her fingers sank deep into his hair while her senses leapt into awareness and she moaned beneath that onslaught.

While he kissed her, he let his hand roam over her length, lingering on the firm swell of her breasts and the prominence of her taut nipples.

Soon, little responsive sounds trapped in her throat were escaping and she was trembling on the edge of an excitement.

"You slept early last night" Shravan complained against her mouth.

"Why didn't you wake me?" She asked

"You were sleeping peacefully and I didn't feel like disturbing you" Shravan said

"I wouldn't have minded though"

"I will keep that in mind" Shravan said before kissing her again


"Is dadu asleep?" Damini asked in excitement.

"Is he?" Drishti asked as she saw Shravan coming downstairs

Shravan rolled his eyes. The Malhotra sisters are two peas in a pod.

"Yes. He is. Now don't make any noise. Get changed into something suitable for swimming. And Drishti, no bikini please. I don't want to give the old guard a heart attack" Shravan said

"We are ready. This is suitable for swimming. Come let's go. Don't waste time" Drishti said and both the sisters held each of his hands and pulled him towards the garden.

"Wow. Up close, this is more beautiful" Damini gushed

"Let's dive in" Drishti said grinning and Damini grinned back

They both jumped into the fountain splashing water around.

"The water is cold" Damini said laughing.

"Come in Shravan" Drishti called out for her husband to join them

Shravan took off his tee shirt and jumped into the water.

Damini splashed water at her sister. Drishti fought back. They were laughing loudly and splashing water at each other.

"Don't make noise and let the whole palace know what is going on here" Shravan chided them softly.

Two pairs of green eyes focused on his mischievously

"Don't you dare" Shravan warned expecting what was coming his way.

The sisters started splashing water at him making Shravan groan.

"How did your parents manage you two at home?" Shravan asked in wonder making the sisters pout.

Before they could open their mouth, they felt the huge splash of water and turned sideways to see a young girl coming out of the water with a huge grin

"Shreya? When did you come?" Shravan asked surprised at seeing his sister.

Nobody told him that she would be coming tonight.

"I just reached bhaiyya. I heard the noises coming from the garden and looked through the window and saw you three in the fountain. This has been my long time fantasy. Finally it came true" Shreya declared happily and then turned to Drishti

"Bhabhi. You are so cool. No one ever dared to jump into the fountain before" Shreya said hugging Drishti

That's when Drishti realized that she doesn't know anything about Shravan's family at all. She made a mental note to talk about their families in their next bonding session.

Shravan stared at his sister in wonder. Is swimming in this fountain a secret fantasy of everyone?

"This is so awesome" Shreya couldn't hide her glee.

"Shreya? Why were you this late?" Shravan asked

"I had to wait for bhaiyyu to reach Mumbai. We came together" Shreya said

"He is here? No one told me he is coming" Shravan said in surprise

"Ooops. That was supposed to be a surprise for you. Act surprised when you see bhaiyyu" Shreya said with a cheeky smile

"Where is he?" Shravan asked

"There he is." Shreya said pointing at the young man walking towards them.

Shravan smiled seeing his brother. It has been nearly two years since he last met his brother and almost a month since they talked on phone.

The time variation causes difficulty in communication and whenever his brother calls him, he might not be able to pick up and when he returns the call, his brother might be busy.

Shravan saw his brother's smile slowly fade as his eyes focused on Drishti

"D? Is that you?"



How many of you saw this coming?🤪

I remember one reader had commented about this. But then she doesn't always comment, so I don't remember who she was.

Hope you guys liked the shot.

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