Shot 45

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Shravan saw his brother's smile slowly fade as his eyes focused on Drishti

"D? Is that you?" He heard his brother ask and there was something unidentifiable in his voice.

"Sharan?" Drishti had gone pale seeing Sharan walking towards them.

Shravan frowned seeing both his wife's and brother's reaction on seeing each other.

"You two know each other?" Shravan asked in confusion

"Damn it. This is a joke right, Drishti?" Sharan asked not taking his eyes off Drishti.

"Sharan? What's wrong?" Shravan asked looking at his brother, who had also gone pale.

"D. Tell me this is a prank. Tell me" Sharan asked moving closer to the fountain.

"Sharan. I told you I'm married. You didn't believe me" Drishti said, having nothing else to say.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shravan asked

"Damn it. Mom told me you were married to some Drishti Malhotra. I actually found it funny that, both her daughters in law would be named Drishti. I didn't realise you got married to the woman I love" Sharan said looking at his brother.

Drishti paled thinking of the chaos that would follow. Tej Maheswari would definitely kick her out this time.

Last time, she wouldn't have minded being thrown out. But now. The thought of leaving Shravan is so unthinkable. He has become so important to her in such a short period of time.

And Shravan? What would he think of her now? How would he handle this situation?

Drishti looked at Shravan and saw him staring at Sharan in horror.

"The woman you love?" Shravan asked, trying to come to terms with the new revelations.

"For two years. I have been in love with her for two damn years." Sharan said in agitation.

"She is my wife, Sharan" Shravan said sternly.

He didn't like his brother declaring his love for Drishti.

Drishti is his. Only his.

"I know how this marriage happened bhai. Neither of you wanted this right?-" Sharan started saying something, but Shravan who realized what was coming next, interfered immediately.

"Stop right there Sharan. Don't you dare say that. Don't you dare" Shravan said furiously.

How dare his brother suggest something like that.

Shravan saw their parents coming out hearing the argument between the brothers.

"What is going on here?" Anuradha asked looking between her sons.

"Why didn't you tell me he is married to Drishti Singhania?" Sharan asked his mother.

"How does her surname matter to you, Sharan?" Anuradha asked in confusion

"Because Drishti Singhania is the girl I love" Sharan said

"What?" Vihaan asked in shock and the other three had paled hearing that declaration.

"This discussion ends here. Drishti, Damini, Shreya. Get out of the fountain and go to your rooms" Shravan instructed.

His brother seems to have lost his mind. He is not realising what he doing by declaring his love for his sister in law so openly.

The three girls got out of the water. Shravan saw how his brothers eyes still lingered on Drishti and he had this sudden urge to punch the hell out of him.

He took the dry towels they had brought and quickly placed it around Drishti's shoulder.

"Go to our room. Take a hot shower. I will come soon" Shravan said looking into her anxious eyes

"Shravan. Listen-"

"Leave Drishti. We will talk later" Shravan said in a soft yet stern tone.

As soon as Drishti left, Shravan turned to Sharan.

"Have you lost it, Sharan. She is your bhabhi." Shravan said with an edge in his voice

"Stop saying that" Sharan said furiously.

"Sharan. What is happening here? Why are you behaving like this" Anuradha asked

"Are you trying to tell us that you have been in a relationship with my daughter?" Vihaan asked angrily

"Ofcourse No. I loved her. And I thought she did too" Sharan said helplessly

"How is that her fault. You just assumed it that she is in love with you." Shravan said

"I had my reasons for thinking so" Sharan defended himself.

"You might have. But it doesn't matter anymore. She is my wife now. Please try to understand that. Accept it and move on" Shravan said

"So easy for you to say bhai. Have you ever been in love?" Sharan asked, hurt by how indifferent his brother is to his feelings

Shravan kept silent. Sharan is right. He doesn't know what Sharan is going through now. Sharan said he had been in love with Drishti for two years. Shravan knew Drishti for only a few weeks. And yet, now he couldn't imagine a life without Drishti.

"Sharan. I understand. But Drishti is my wife now. There is nothing you can do about that" Shravan said gently.

"I need space" Sharan said and turned on his heels and left from there without paying any heed to anyone.

Shravan sighed.

This is one complication he had not foreseen when they decided to give their marriage a chance. Not even in his wildest dreams did he imagine that his brother would be in love with his wife.

Anuradha and Pratap stared at their younger son helplessly.

"He will come around Mom." Shravan said placing a hand on his mother's shoulder.

"I hope so" Anuradha mumbled

"I will go and check on Drishti" Shravan said and walked away.

Drishti called up Siddhu as soon as she got a shower and changed

"Finally. Her highness Drishti Maheswari remembered that she has a bestfriend too" Siddhu taunted.

After Drishti left for Jhodpur, the only time she called him was to brag about her new tiara. Siddhu was a little miffed at that. He was feeling a little jealous too. His bestfriend is not only his bestfriend now. But a wife too. His rational mind knew he is simply being sulky. But he couldn't help it.

"I'm in trouble" Drishti said

"Tell me something new" Siddhu said rolling his eyes

"A big trouble Siddhu. Totally unexpected trouble" Drishti said anxiously

"Stop the unnecessary build up and come straight to the point" Siddhu said

"Shravan's siblings are here."

"So? It's his home. Obviously his siblings would be there." Siddhu said in a duh tone.

"Sharan is Shravan's brother"

"What the f*ck" Siddhu cursed

"Exactly my thoughts. Who would have thought. Get on the next flight and come here. I need you Siddhu" Drishti said pleadingly.

Shravan who was about to enter the room frowned hearing that.


Here goes the next shot.

Hope you are enjoying the drama🤪

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