Shot 49

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Shravan had almost fell asleep when he heard the incessant knocks on their bedroom door.

The knocks grew more urgent with time, and Shravan hurried towards the door, waking Drishti in the process.

He opened the door to find his mother, who looked worried as hell.

"Mom? What happened? Why do you look panicked?" Shravan asked


"Where is he? What happened?" Shravan asked

"I don't know. He went out in the morning. He is not back yet. I tried his phone many times. It is switched off. He told me he was going out to meet his friends here. I called them up and they had no idea that Sharan is even back. I'm getting worried, Shravan" Anuradha Maheswari was on the verge of crying.

"Mom, relax. I will bring him home. He might be somewhere around" Shravan said trying to console his mother.

A guilty Drishti stood behind him, not knowing what to do.

"Drishti. Please take Mom to her room. I will go and look for Sharan" Shravan turned around to look at Drishti

"Yeah sure." Drishti agreed and walked Anuradha to her bedroom.

On the way, Drishti dialed Siddhu's number and asked him to accompany Shravan in searching for his brother.

Drishti made Anuradha sit on the bed and poured a glass of water for her.

"Here. Please have this aunty. Don't take stress. Shravan will bring him back" Drishti said

"I'm worried Drishti. He has always been sensitive. He doesn't often show it. But he is very sensitive. If something hurts him, he shuts everyone out and broods for weeks." Anuradha said

"I'm sorry aunty. This is all happening because of me" Drishti said guiltily.

"No no. I didn't mean it like that Drishti. I didn't say that to make you feel guilty. I know it was not your fault. It was not Sharan's either. It just happened. There is nothing we can do about that. I just hope he gets over that soon" Anuradha said


Siddharth switched off the playstation and stood up from the couch and stretched to relieve his muscles.

"Time to hit the bed Siddhu" he talked to himself and walked out of the game room, only to collide with a soft body.

His arms instinctively went around it and he looked down to see the young girl he had been thinking about the whole day.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming out the room" the girl said softly as a pretty blush crept up her cheeks.

Siddhu loosened his arms around her and she stepped back, looking down and tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ears.

"That's absolutely alright. I didn't see you either" Siddhu said with a grin, too happy with the accidental collision.

"Okay then. Good night" she said shyly and was about to walk past him

"Hey. This place is so huge. I can't exactly remember where my room was" Siddhu lied with no remorse

"I will show you. It must be in the east wing. That's where the guest suites are" Shreya said and Siddhu mentally pumped his fist in the air at his small victory.

"I'm Siddharth Agnihotri" better late than never, he thought

"I know. Bhabhi told me. My name is Shreya Maheswari. Some friends calls me Shrey" she said and his smile dimmed.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now