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Shravan woke up to find the girl all over him

Her legs were thrown over his and hands were around his neck and her head in the crook of his shoulder

Her hair is spread all over her face, some spilled over his chest

God!! What a torture to wake up with

He pulled out from her hold not so gently, but her highness didn't wake up. She simply cuddled into the pillow instead of him and continued sleeping

There was drool near her mouth and she looked utterly adorable like a baby


Have you gone crazy early in the morning Shravan??

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and walked into the en suite to get ready for the day

Even after he got ready for office Drishti was still asleep

He thought of leaving a note for her but then decided against it

Why make new habits??


Drishti woke up to the continuous vibration of her phone

Last night her phone had been battery dead and she had plugged it in near the bedside table

Does the phone gets switched-on on it's own once charged??

She had no idea!

She never lets her phone die.

Her phone happens to be her life. She simply can't live without checking her phone every fifteen minutes

Well!! She couldn't until yesterday!! Yesterday was a unique day. It seems she did actually survive with a battery dead phone

She picked up the phone still sleepily

"Where the hell are you?? Are you alright??Did you reach Bangalore?? Did the guy kidnap you somewhere?? Oh God!! Are you alive D??" Siddu asked in a single breath and Drishti rolled her eyes

"No!! I'm dead. You are talking to my ghost now" Drishti said sleepily

"Tell me where you are for heaven sake?? Your phone was switched off D!! Switched off!! It never happened before. Do you have any idea how worried I was"

"I'm fine Siddhu. My phone got battery dead and I was too tired last night to wait for it to get charged. I just woke up. And I'm in Bangalore now. In my Mr's house. I will meet you in the mall in an hour" Drishti said and hung up

She got up and searched around the apartment and there was no one except her

Did he leave without telling her??

What an arrogant prick!!

Didn't even have the courtesy to leave a simple note

She took a quick shower and changed into the dress she had worn yesterday and walked into the kitchen

She checked the fridge and found some food frozen in the freezer

She is not a fan of frozen food but when the other option happens to be cooking, frozen food seems like heaven

She was in the process of reheating something she found in the freezer when the service entrance opened and an older woman came in with a basket of fresh clothes in her hands

They both froze and stared at each other for a second before a wide smile spread across the older woman's face

"You are Drishti??"

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now