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The next morning, Shravan woke up with a smile, finding his wife all over him

Wife!! Sounds nice.

Her head was on his shoulder, her hands across his torso and her legs tangled with his.

Her hair was all over her face.

Shravan gently moved the hair strands from her face and tucked them behind her ears.

The slight movement disturbed her lightly and she snuggled more into him

He caressed her cheeks with his thumbs and pressed a kiss on her forhead

"Good morning Drishti" he murmered against her skin and lied there with her in his arms for a while.

The feel of her soft warmth against his body felt too good to move away.

Shravan almost fell asleep again, when his phone pinged with the reminder he had set for the share holder's meeting scheduled for the morning.

Damn!! How did he forget something so important ??

He cursed softly and got up from the bed without disturbing her.


He hurried to the office and found Mithran and Isha were already there.

Mithran raised an eyebrow and made an exaggerated show of looking at his wrist watch

"Shravan Maheswari is late to office? Is the world going to end?" Mithran asked teasingly

"Shut up. Are the shareholders here yet?"

"No. Don't worry. You are not the last for the meeting" Mithran said

Shravan and Mithran owns thirty five percent share each in the SM groups. The remaining thirty percent is owned by different investors in the field

"Good. We still have five minutes I guess" Shravan said

"Why were you late, I wonder" Mithran asked with a teasing smirk

"I woke up late" Shravan said truthfully

"Why? You were awake whole night?" Mithran egged on earning a jab in his ribs from Isha.

"Get lost" Shravan muttered throwing a stink eye in his best friend's direction and walked into the conference room and he could still hear Mithran's laugh from outside the door.


Drishti woke up to an empty apartment as usual.

She felt disappointed. After what happened last night, she had expected him to atleast leave a note for her.

Drishti sighed as she got ready for the college.

The day passed by in a blur, Drishti mostly falling asleep during the classes.

She met Siddhu at the college cafeteria before going home

"Hey darpok" Drishti greeted as she sat next to Siddhu who made a face at the nick name.

"So?" Siddhu asked

"What?" Drishti asked with a frown

"How was the date?"

Drishti grinned


"That's not even a word"

"Who cares" Drishti shrugged

"So you guys decided to give it a go?" Siddhu asked


Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now