Shot 52

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Good morning lovelies ..

How are you all?

So I'm back with your cute couple Shravan and Drishti

Enjoy reading

Finally, it was the day of the reception and Drishti was decked up as a royal bride, with her tiara ofcourse.

"Oh my! Don't I look regal?" Drishti asked looking at the mirror with a grin.

"Yes baby, you do" Divyanshi said

"Can you believe it Maa. I'm a princess. A real princess. With a tiara" Drishti said excitedly touching her tiara every few minutes to make sure it is there.

"I can't believe you are all grown up. It feels like yesterday I first held you in my arms" Divyanshi said as her eyes welled up

"Aww Maa. Don't make me cry too. Not that I would cry. I don't understand why the brides always cry during the wedding. It's not as if they are leaving their parents permanently. I can always come and see you whenever I want. You could do the same. I will still be your darling Drishti." Drishti said

"Uh oh"

"The only difference would be, I will be staying at Shravan's place instead of the hostel" Drishti said

"You are right. You will always be our darling Drishti." Divyanshi said with a smile.

"When does the reception start?"

"There is still an hour left" Divya said and before Drishti could respond, there was a knock on the door.

Divya opened the door and found Siddhu, all ready for the function.

"Diya, Shravan bhai asked to bring Drishti downstairs to the palace pooja room" Siddharth said

"Now? There is still an hour left right?" Divya asked

"Yeah. But he asked me to get the whole family down there" Siddharth said and walked towards Drishti.

He angled his phone for a selfie.

"Say cheese" he said and she grinned into the camera.

"Show me" Drishti demanded and Siddhu obliged, rolling his eyes.

Drishti wasn't satisfied with the photo and bullied Siddhu into taking more selfies.

"Damn it, D. Shravan bhai is waiting for you downstairs. He said it is important" Siddhu said

"What? And you are wasting your time here taking selfies?" Drishti accused

"Me? I'm wasting time taking selfies?"

"Ofcourse. It was you who knew whatever is happening downstairs is important. Not me. So, obviously the fault is yours" Drishti said, as usual blaming her bestfriend for everything.

"As it is your big day, I'm not going to argue with you. Let's go downstairs"


Shravan's breath trapped in his lungs as he caught sight of Drishti coming towards him.

She looked absolutely gorgeous in the bridal lehenga. The emerald stone he had asked the jewellery designer to add to her tiara matched her beautiful eyes.

She looked regal.

His queen.

As she neared him, he took her hand in his and brought her in front of their family deity in the pooja room.

"What's happening Shravan? Why did you ask everyone to come here?" Drishti asked

"To renew our vows" Shravan said


"When we got married, we took vows not knowing each other, not meaning the words. I want to do it right. I want to look into your eyes and take my vows and mean every word of it" Shravan said

"Aww. That's so sweet of you Shravan. I never thought, I never imagined...," for the first time in her life, Drishti was at loss for words. Her eyes filled up as she gazed into his warm eyes filled with adoration.

Shravan took both her hands in his and brought it to his lips and pressed a feather light kiss over them, and then looked into her eyes

"Drishti, I promise to always let you sleep in during the mornings. I promise to always do your packings and I promise to never let you touch any of the wardrobes" Shravan said and everyone chuckled making Drishti pout.

"And I also promise to let you swim in the fountain once in a while" Shravan whispered leaning forwards making Drishti grin through her tears.

"And I promise to get on your nerves for the rest of our lives" Drishti vowed making everyone laugh

"Okay! Jokes apart. You, Drishti, are the strength I didn't know I needed, and the joy that I didn't know I lacked. Today, I choose to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to be by your side in happiness and in sadness. Today, I promise to be yours for eternity" Shravan vowed.

"And I promise to be yours, heart body and soul" Drishti vowed.

Shravan cupped her face and pressed a kiss on her forhead making everyone go Aww.

Vihaan slipped his fingers through Diya's and looked at his daughter and son in law with a smile.

"He is the best for our Drishti" Divyanshi said

"He is" Vihaan agreed.

"I too want to get married" Damini said out loud making everyone laugh

"Not so soon darling. Your prince charming will come when the time is right" Vihaan said

"When will the right time come?" Damini asked eagerly

"You will have to wait darling" Vihaan said and Damini pouted.

Vihaan and Divyanshi walked towards Shravan and Drishti.

Vihaan placed his arms around his daughter's shoulder and looked at Shravan.

"My girls are my treasures Shravan. And I'm giving one of them to you. I trust you to cherish her always" Vihaan said looking into Shravan's eyes

"I will" Shravan promised

"Alwasy remember one thing. She might be your queen. But she will always be my princess. My precious baby. If you hurt her by any means, you will have to face me, Shravan Maheswari" Vihaan said

Drishti looked up at her father, tears running down her cheeks.

Now she understood why the brides always cry at their wedding.

How can they not, when they see their parents at the most loving and emotional stage.

"You have my word, uncle" Shravan said

"I think, now would be a better time for you to start calling us Maa and Paa" Divyanshi said

"Okay Maa" Shravan said with a smile.

"Well then I think Drishti should also drop with the uncle aunty formality" Anuradha piped in.

"I will, Mom" Drishti said with a grin.

"D, our college WhatsApp group is full of messages. Demanding to know about your surprise wedding" Siddharth said looking into his phone.


Here goes the next shot.

Hope you guys still remember Shravan and Drishti.

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