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Drishti was confused on what to wear on her first date.

She tried n number of dresses and still couldn't figure of what to wear.

She dialed Siddhu's number

"What do you want? Weren't you supposed to go on a date? Why are you calling and disturbing me?" Came the response as soon as the call was attended

Drishti rolled her eyes.

"I'm confused as to what to wear. It's my first date and I want it to be perfect. I need help" Drishti said

"You seem to have forgotten ,I'm not your girl friend Drishti. How am I to know about these things?" Siddhu asked in exasperation.

"I know that. I wan a man's opinion. What would you expect your non existent girl friend to wear on your imaginary first date?" Drishti asked

"I will definitely expect her to wear something sexy and revealing" Siddhu said cheekily

"Uh men!!" Drishti muttered

"You wanted a man's opinion" Siddhu reminded her.

"Never mind. I will manage. Get lost" Drishti said and hung up


Shravan walked into his bedroom and looked around in horror.

The whole room is a mess

Clothes thrown here and there.

Drishti came out of the dressing room with another set of clothes and dumped them on the bed.

She placed her hands on her hips and stared at her clothes with an accusing look confusing Shravan more.

"What??" He asked

Drishti looked up startled.

"Oh you are back? Is it 8 already?"

"No. What have you done to the room Drishti?"

"I was choosing a dress for our date. I couldn't decide. It's my first date"

First date? She had never been on a date?? Shravan found that surprising. She is a very gorgeous girl with a very modern outlook. So he thought she might have had atleast one relationship in the past.

He had never gotten involved with a woman before ,but that was a conscious decision.

"First date?" Shravan asked

"Yes. Yours??" Drishti shot back

"Mine too" Shravan said and Drishti grinned happily.

"That's great. Have you been waiting for the one? The one who makes your heart beat crazily like a drum. The one whose presence makes the whole room lit up like a diwali night??" Drishti asked excitedly ,sitting on the bed

"Uh -"

"Did you feel that when you first met me? When you saw me smile for the first time ,did you feel my face lighting up as if thousands of diyas are lit on a diwali night, as if a hundred diwalis had come at once?" Drishti asked with a hopeful look

Shravan stared at her in bewilderment.

Thousand diyas and hundred diwalis? What in the bloody hell?


"You didn't?" She asked ,her voice conveying her disappointment

"These things don't happen in real life Drishti. It only happens in movies and novels" Shravan said

"No! It happens in real life. It happened with my parents. That's exactly how my Paa felt when he saw Maa smile for the first time. Why do you think he calls her Diya. He name is Divyanshi. Everyone calls her Divya. My Paa called her Diya because she is that light in her life" Drishti said passionately

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now