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5 years later

Drishti glared at her husband with her hands on her hips.

Shravan was too busy typing on his laptop to see the furious glare coming his way.

"I swear I will throw that bloody laptop one day soon, into a sea" Drishti said angrily.

"This is waterproof Drishti" Shravan said without looking up from the screen.

"For heaven's sake, it's Diwali season. I hate when you work during Diwali" Drishti complained.

"I'm leaving behind my laptop as you demanded, when we go to the island Drishti. Let me finish off the pending work before we leave" Shravan said and Drishti huffed in annoyance.

They heard some movement from the baby monitor.

"He's awake" Shravan said with a soft smile.

Dhruv Maheswari was born eleven months ago, after Drishti found her footing in the business field.

Now she is working in the Bangalore branch of Malhotra empire, after training under Shravan Maheswari for a year immediately after her studies were over.

Dhruv, being the first grand child in both the families, is spoiled rotten by both his paternal and maternal grandparents.

They all have planned to spend Dhruv's first Diwali at D Love.

Shravan watched as Drishti walked out of the bedroom to get Dhruv, who had fallen asleep in his playpen an hour ago.

"No. I'm not going to carry you. You should be independent. Now crawl behind me. Yes, like that" he heard his wife talking to his son.

Sometimes, he does wonder, who the baby is.

He smiled as he saw his son crawling fastly behind Drishti.

"Dhruv, come to papa" Shravan called out and Dhruv did as said

Drishti huffed.

"You can take your eyes off that bloody laptop for him. But not for me" Drishti said furiously.

"Drishti, language" Shravan chided softly.

Drishti adores her son, but she is also awfully jealous of him, when it comes to Shravan's love and attention.

Drishti wants to be Shravan's first priority and she is very vocal about the same. Shravan sometimes purposefully ignores Drishti and pampers Dhruv, to get a rise out of her.

Drishti huffed in annoyance and turned towards the wardrobe to get a pair of onesie for Dhruv.

"Get him ready for the journey. Change his diaper too" Drishti said

Dhruv looked up at Drishti and bestowed her with a toothy grin, and Drishti melted like a puddle.

"Aww. Aren't you the cutest thing in the world" Drishti cooed as she picked up her son and pressed a loud kiss on his chubby cheeks.

Dhruv giggled and placed a chubby fist on Drishti's cheek.

"I love you so much. But papa loves me more. Okay." Drishti told her son, making Shravan roll his eyes.


They reached D Love by a yacht, rather than taking Dhruv on a chopper.

Over the years, the cottage has been expanded large enough to house their entire family during vacations.

As soon as they entered the cottage, Vihaan and Diya rushed towards them.

Vihaan picked up Dhruv from Drishti and threw him up in the air and caught him back, making the child break into peals of laughter.

Diya took the child from Vihaan and started peppering kisses all over his face.

"It's my turn now. Give him to me. Now" Damini demanded

Drishti huffed

"That used to be me" Drishti said

"What?" Shravan asked in confusion

"When I come home for vacations from hostel, Paa used to pick me up and twirl me around. Maa would kiss me all over. And Damini would trail behind me wherever I go. Look at them now, they didn't even say hi to me" Drishti said with a pout making Shravan laugh.


Drishti tip toed into her parents room to find Dhruv sleeping with his collection of soft toys around him.

At eleven months, he had discovered how much mischief he could get up to, now that he can crawl.

The little one had inherited her strong will and fussy nature rather than Shravan's calm nature. He made fuss when Diya tried to change him into his sleep suit. The little one, surrounded by people who couldn't stop pampering him, tried to hold off his sleep as much as he could, but eventually nodded off

Now, finally hd was asleep and looked so utterly adorable that she couldn't resist leaning over to brush her lips against Dhruv's velvet soft cheek.

"Ready?" Shravan's voice sounded from the doorway and she glanced up, her heart lurching when his mouth curved in a wide, sexy smile.

"Do you think he'll be all right? We've never left him for a whole night before" she murmured anxiously as she followed him into the hall.

Dhruv always sleeps with them, and tonight Vihaan and Diya had asked them to let the little boy sleep with them.

"He will fine. Stop worrying and let you parents sleep" Shravan said as he saw Vihaan and Diya walking towards the bedroom.

"Good night Paa. Good night Maa" Drishti said, kissing both her parents.

"Good night darling"

"Call me if he wakes up." Drishti said

"We will manage baby. Go sleep" Vihaan said

********mature content ahead*******

As soon as they entered their bedroom, Shravan pulled her in for a long hard kiss.

"I want you" Shravan murmered, sliding the straps of her dress down her shoulders until her breasts spilled into his hands.

He groaned his appreciation and dipped his head to capture one dusky nipple in his mouth; tormenting her with his wicked tongue until she begged for mercy and he transferred his lips to her other breast.

She was on fire for him instantly, desperate to feel him inside her. She was glad that her body had returned to its pre-pregnancy shape and eagerly helped him to remove the rest of her clothes, her excitement mounting at the burning heat of Shravan's gaze.

Their lovemaking had been gentle and more restrained since she'd given birth, but tonight she sensed his urgency and knew that he would couple tenderness with fierce, primitive passion.

"I love you" Shravan whispered against her lips before capturing it for a hard passionate kiss.



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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now