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Drishti changed into her casual wear and walked out of the bedroom.

Shravan was waiting for her in the living room

Drishti was already back to her usual self

"Order placed? She asked

"Yeah. Italian" he said without looking at her.

Drishti rolled her eyes at the awkwardness

"Come on. Stop being so awkward. So what if we kissed? It was mind blowing. Wasn't it?" Drishti asked and then a scary thought gripped her.

Didn't he like it? Is that why he is so awkward with her now.

Shravan looked at her in disbelief

Why is he even surprised?

He should have known she would be back to her usual chirpy self pretty soon.

"You didn't like it?" Drishti asked accordingly

"Ofcourse I did" Shravan said

Drishti sighed in relief

"Great. I got worried for a moment" she smiled cheekily

"How are you so cool about it?" Shravan asked in disbelief

"Why shouldn't I?? Ah! If you are going to ask for an annulment, what happened a while ago will turn awkward" Drishti admitted.

"I'm not going to ask for an annulment" Shravan said

"Great. So no worries. No annulment means ,marriage is on. Which means we can kiss to our hearts content" Drishti declared happily

"Good God Drishti. Let's first talk okay?"

"We already did. You said you don't want an annulment. Which means marriage is ON" Drishti said in confusion

Shravan took in a deep breath and turned in his seat to face her directly

"Listen. There are things you need to know. Things you should understand for our marriage to work out" Shravan said

Drishti frowned

"As you already know ,I'm a workaholic, Drishti. I work long hours. I need you to understand that. And your expectations on love is so fairy tale like. I don't know if I will be able to be that man" Shravan said

"But I so wanted a prince charming to sweep me off my feet" Drishti said dreamily

Shravan took her hands in his and looked into his eyes

"I'm not a prince charming, Drishti. I'm a normal man. And I will try my best to keep you happy. Yes, I will make mistakes. We both will. I have never been in a relationship before. So I'm pretty much a novice with girls. So I need to you to let me know when I make a mistake. I will do the same with you. We will learn together. You understand, don't you?" Shravan asked

"I will try to understand. And about working long hours. If you keep working long hours, how will we bond. So you will have to make a compromise there. You will have to be home by five in the evening" Drishti demanded

"Five? That's too early Drishti. I usually work until seven"

"My Paa used to work like that. But after Maa came, he stared delegating his works" Drishti argued her point

"You father was an established hotelier by the time he got married, Drishti. Ours is an upcoming group."

"Okay. We will come to a compromise. Six in the evening. You will have to be home by six" Drishti offered a concession

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now