Shot 47

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The atmosphere during the breakfast was tense.

Drishti was sitting in between Shravan and Siddhu. Sharan sitting directly opposite her.

"I mean how? How do you manage to do this always?" Siddhu whispered to Drishti

"Do what?"

"Get into trouble! You are married to Sharan's elder brother of all the people. Who would have thought?" Siddhu said still reeling from the shock.

"It's all your fault. How can you not know your brother's bestfriend's brother? Useless" Drishti complained

"Ofcourse. I should have known that the blame would land on my head in the end" Siddhu said rolling his eyes.

Tej Maheswari cleared his throat and glared at the duo.

They both pasted a fake smile on their faces and continued with the breakfast.

"Sharan? How was your journey?" Tej asked his younger grandson

"It was okay dadu" Sharan said gloomily.

Shravan sighed seeing the fallen face of his brother.

He could see that his brother was hurting. But there is nothing anybody could do about it.

"Sharan. Have one more Bajara roti. It's your favourite right? I had them made specially for you" Anuradha said and took a roti to serve her son.

"No Mom. I'm not feeling very hungry" Sharan said pasting a smile on his face, for his mother's sake.

"Man! You did a number on him D" Siddhu whispered again earning a glare in return

"What? Why are you glaring at me? Now don't put the blame on me again" Siddhu said

"It's your fault only. If you had stopped me two years ago, I wouldn't have unknowingly encouraged him." Drishti said

"Why God? Why? In the entire world, you only found this piece to give me as a bestfriend?" Siddhu complained looking heavenwards.

"Will you two shut up before dadu gets angry" Shravan snapped at the two making them both pout.

"Tomorrow we have to perform the kul devi pooja. The daughter in law should keep fast tomorrow" Tej Maheswari decreed and Drishti choked on her food.

Three glasses of water appeared in front of her face and she saw three pairs of concerned eyes looking at her.

Siddhu patted her head and Shravan rubbed her back. Sharan looked at her in concern, his hands still extended towards her with a glass of water.

Drishti wordlessly took the glass of water from Sharan ignoring the other two glasses.

Shravan had a light frown on his face after that and Siddhu sighed.

"You okay?" All three asked in a chorus and Drishti nodded.

Shravan's lips thinned in annoyance. He would very much like to kick both his brother and Siddharth out of the dining hall and away from Drishti.

Where was all this possessiveness coming from all of a sudden?

He was absolutely alright until yesterday.

Feeling jealous and possessive in case of Sharan, he could understand. Sharan has got feelings for Drishti and it is quite natural for him to feel feel jealous of his brother.

But Siddhu. He knew Siddhu is Drishti's bestfriend. Only friends. It is very clear from their interactions too. Then why is he getting jealous of their closeness.

Sharan excused himself from there quickly and the rest of the breakfast went quietly.

After the breakfast, Shravan was on a call when something caught his attention.

Shravan held Siddharth's right hand and looked at the wrist band.

"This is Drishti's right?" He asked

"No. This is mine" Siddhu said looking at the band.

"No. This is Drishti's. I have seen her wearing this" Shravan argued.

"She does have a similar one, Shravan bhai. We got it in pairs. We ordered this from an online craft store in Instagram. It's beautiful right? We asked for our initials and these are custom made" Siddharth said and Shravan's looked at the wrist band broodily.

It was the same bracelet he had seen Drishti wearing many times. There were the initials S&D on the band. And he had assumed the S to be Shravan.

How foolish!!

He could feel the jealousy starting to burn again and it took all his will power to stop himself from ripping off that band from Siddharth's wrist.

He walked towards Drishti briskly leaving a confused Siddharth to stare at his back.

Drishti was talking to Shreya and Damini, who just came downstairs.

"Bhabhi? Is that your bestfriend? What is his name?" Shreya asked drooling over Siddharth.

"Yes. He is my best buddy. His name is Siddharth Agnihotri." Drishti said

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Shreya whispered making Drishti's eyes widen in surprise

"No" Drishti said

"Really? He is so handsome" Shreya gushed dreamily

"You are the first girl I see drooling over him" Drishti said with a laugh

"What?? Why??" Shreya asked in disbelief

Before Drishti could respond, she felt a tight grip on her upper arms and before she could comprehend what was happening, she was dragged away from there.

"Shravan? What are you doing? What happened?" Drishti asked

As they reached an empty corner, Shravan pushed Drishti against the pillar and slammed his lips on hers.

His mouth was hot on hers, his lips firm. There was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was all about possession.

Drishti clung to him and kissed him back, opening her mouth to deepen the sensual penetration of his probing tongue.

Her fractured gasp, as he left her lips and trailed hot kisses down the long line of her throat, was audible above the thunder of his own heart beat.

The fact that they were out in the open, at the risk of anybody walking in anytime, the probability of getting caught, just increased the thrill of what he was doing and it only increased his painful level of arousal.

He trailed kisses back to her lips and kissed her thoroughly again.

He joined his forhead with hers and breathed heavily as he looked into her passion glazed eyes

"Mine. You are mine" he said possessively

"And you are mine" Drishti said equally possessive.

"Oh God! What is this?" They jerked apart as they heard the voices coming from the next door.

They hurried towards the next room, only to see a worried Anuradha tending to some wounds on Sharan's hands.

His knuckles were slightly bleeding.

"What happened Sharan?" Shravan asked

"Nothing. I was not watching where I was going and knocked into something. It's nothing Mom. I will manage" Sharan said and walked away and Anuradha followed him

"Do you think he saw us?" Drishti asked anxiously

"I don't know. I hope not"


Here goes the next shot.

How was possessive Shravan??

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