shot 24

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Okay. Here's the double update. I didn't wait for the 100 mark.

Special dedication to lakshmi_priyanka_ and potterdaphne317 who have been spamming my comment box for a while now🤪

Shravan woke up with a stiff neck. He groaned as he flexed his neck to relieve the cramps

He had fallen asleep on his chair somewhere along the midnight.

He looked down to see Mithran sprawled across the floor and Isha curled up on the couch

Damn!! He didn't go home last night

And he didn't even inform Drishti that he wouldn't be coming home

He quickly took his phone out to see whethere there was any missed call or text message from her.

He frowned when he found none.

Then he remembered that she hadn't taken his number yet.

He thought of calling her ,but decided against it when he realised it was only seven in the morning. She must be fast asleep

He quickly typed a message for her

'Couldn't make it home last night. Was caught up with work. Will see you in the evening
PS : save my number'

He shook Mithran awake and Isha too.

"Guys. Get ready quick. We can go over the plan and proposal once more after breakfast. Isha ,you go home and get ready. We will pick you on the way. It's an hour drive from here to the Malhotra's resort" Shravan instructed


Drishti woke up to the continuous ringing of her phone.

She looked beside her and realised Shravan hadn't come home last night

She huffed. Why does it matter anyway!!

He could stay in Antartica for all she cares.

She looked at her phone and realised its an unkownn number

Who the hell dared to disturb her sleep so early in the morning. She looked at the bedside table and realised it is nine in the morning.

Shoot!! She have to go to college today. She had taken leave for three days consecutively. Anymore leave, she will be kicked out of the college.

She picked up the call while searching through her wardrobe for an outfit

"Yes. Who is this??"

"Di. Its me Damini" came her sister's voice from the other side of the phone

"Damini?? Where are you calling from?? This seems like a local number" Drishti said frowning

"I'm here at Bangalore. At our resort"

"What?? You guys are back?? Why wasn't I informed about this?" Drishti asked

"Di. Listen to me. I overheard Maa and Paa talking" Damini said urgently

Drishti grinned

"You mean you eavesdropped??" Drishti asked.

That seems to be something her sister inherited from her

Not that she still eavesdrops. Okay!! Maybe if the talk sounds to be about her ,she still do that. She has every right to know what is spoken about her

And if it is something totally unrelated to her ,she walks away. If the topic appears boring that is. If it sounds interesting and she is absolutely bored, she sometimes listen. Just for time pass. Nothing else.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now