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Shravan woke up at the steady knock on the door. He stood up from the couch and stretched to relieve his muscles.

He looked at the bed and saw Drishti sleeping peacefully snuggling against the fluffly pillow.

It could have been you instead of the pillow, a voice in his head reminded him

He heard the knock again. It was 7.30 in the morning.

Damn!! He is late

He opened the door to find Abhay's mom.

"Good morning aunty" Shravan wished

"Good morning Shravan. Where is Drishti??"

"She is sleeping"

"She can happily sleep through an earthquake. I will wake her up" Anjana said and walked in to wake Drishti up.

"Drishti. Wake up"

"Mmmmm. Five more minutes" she murmered and snuggled more into her pillow.

"This girl. You can't sleep like this at Shravan's place." Anjana said

Shravan scoffed. She very well can. She has been sleeping like a log all the mornings.

"Drishti get up. Shravan has to go to office."

"I'm not going with him" she again mumbled sleepily

"It's okay aunty. Let her sleep. I will manage" Shravan said and Anjana smiled at him

"She is a little pampered baby. This is all new to her. She will get the hang of married life soon. Just give her some time" Anjana said.

They had taken an instant liking to the cheerful teenage girl,when they met her for the first time at the boarding school.

Over the years ,she became a part of their life through regular phone calls.

So when Drishti came to Bangalore, Anjana was only too happy to take the young girl under her wing.

Having Drishti around made up the loss of their little girl to some extend.

Not entirely. Nobody could replace their gudiyaa.

But Drishti became a daughter for them. And she wants Drishti to have a happy life with Shravan.

"I understand aunty" Shravan said

He definetely doesn't have a problem with her sleeping in. He is not an ancient man who expects his wife to wake up early in the morning and wait on his hand and foot.

"Tell her to get ready once she wakes up. We will leave for shopping soon after breakfast" Anjana said

"Sure aunty"

Shravan took a shower and got ready in his three piece suit and decided to wake Drishti up

"Drishti. Wake up" he shook her gently

"Mmmm" she snuggled deeper into the duvet

Shravan sighed and shook her with more force.

Drishti opened her eyes in irritation


"Aunty wants you to get ready soon. You are to leave for shopping after breakfast" Shravan said

A bright smile broke out on her face hearing the word shopping.

"Oh yes. I will be ready in a jiffy" Drishti ran to the washroom to get ready.


After the breakfast Shravan left to his office and he got to know from Mithran than Isha is on a leave that day due to some family affairs.

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now