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Shravan walked into the bedroom to see Drishti throwing her phone onto the bed and sighing in relief


"Heyy. You are back??" She asked cheerfully making him frown

"Why do you look as if you were doing some mischief??" Shravan asked taking off his jacket and loosening his tie

"Me?? Innocent little me??" Drishti asked batting her lashes innocently

Shravan shook his head

"I will take a shower now" Shravan said and walked towards the washroom

As soon as Shravan was out of sight Drishti moved towards the mirror

"Am I so easy to read??" Drishti asked herself turning her face sideways and checking herself in the mirror

Her father ,she could understand. He had been seeing her since she was a baby. How did Shravan understood she was doing mischief

Not that she was hiding anything from Shravan. But she didn't want him to know that she was lying to her parents.

Why?? She don't have an answer for that


Drishti examined the refrigirator and found rotis and vegetable kurma. She kept it in the microwave for reheating as she waited for Shravan who came out just as the microwave pinged

"On time" Drishti hollered

Shravan got the cutlery and set them on the kitchen island. He also got two glass tumblers and filled them with ice water.

Drishti served the rotis on each plate and then served the kurma.

Drishti couldn't believe she is doing all this. She had always dreamed of falling in love crazily and then getting married to him. But never in her dreams had she imagined herself to be so domestic.

Who would have thought ,the pampered princess Drishti Singhania would be serving food for her husband one day.

Drishti laughed thinking how silly she was

"What is so funny??" Shravan asked

"Nothing. Just wondering how domestic all these seems" Drishti said



"Once we come back from the temple ,can we talk??" Shravan asked

"Talk?? About what??"

"About us!!"

Drishti looked up at him in surprise

"We can talk now"

"No. We need to leave early in the morning. We have to go and pick up Abhay and Kiara too. So sleep early" Shravan said

"Okay" Drishti said ,her heart drumming crazily

What is it that he wants to talk?

Is he going to ask for Divorce??

If yes ,would it matter to her??

What if he wants to work on the marriage??

Will she be happy with someone so workaholic in nature??

What if they never fall in love??

But they are attracted to each other. Will attraction be enough. How could she live with someone so opposite in nature with her.

Then she remembered Anjana aunty's words

'Marriages are made in heaven Drishti. If Shiv ji had brought you both in each other's life ,then he must have planned somethinh for you. Shravan is a good guy. I have known him for a few years now. I admit he is totally different from you ,but nothing is impossible when you try with your whole heart. Maybe the difference between you two will help complimenting each other. And I know you have been waiting for your great love all these years. But not all love happens before marriage. And not all marriage begins with love. There is nothing that says that you wouldn't fall in love crazily with Shravan sometimes in the future. So ,give this a chance. Don't take the vows you took around sacred fire as a joke.'

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now