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The evening pooja got over by five in the evening and that's when Drishti saw another pooja going on.

She soon realised it is not exactly a pooja ,but a mass prayer for deceased people.

Emotions swamped her as she thought of her Mum and Dad. She still loved them.

Abhay who saw the lost look on Drishti's face realised what she was thinking about.

After all ,he too had lost a family member.

His little sister. They couldn't even do proper final rites for her, because her corpse was never found.

Washed away in the landslide ,the authorities had told them.

The anguish is still fresh. He still remember when the twins were born. He was four years old. Maybe because he was a boy ,he naturally felt more protective of his little sister than his brother ,though he loved them both equally.

Abhay shook his head to clear those painful memories from his thoughts

"Come.." he gently nudged Drishti towards the priest who was leading the prayers.

Kiara and a clueless Shravan followed them

"Shradda. My sister" Abhay told the priest

"Rahul and Anjali. My parents" Drishti mumbled

Shravan stared at her in confusion.

Rahul and Anjali??

Then who are Vihaan and Diya??

And why didn't she tell him that her parents are no more.

Why did she lie to him??

What is happening here??

At that moment ,his phone rang ,and he stealthily slipped away from the crowd as he saw the call was from his private investigator.

"Shravan speaking"

"Sir ,I called to make sure the names you conveyed is right. As far as my investigation went ,there is no Vihaan Singhania and Diya Singhania in Mumbai. Neither is there a Damini Singhania" the man said

"Drishti Singhania?" He prompted

"There is one Drishti Singhania in the data base. I got hold of her birth certificate. But the parents name registered is Rahul and Anjali Singhania"

"Any other information??"

"I haven't looked into anything more Sir. I wasn't sure on whom you needed the information."

"That's okay. I will deal with it. Thankyou for the work. I will ask my PA to forward your paycheck"

"Thank you Sir"

Shravan brooded

Why would she lie to him. About something so important.

Did she think that her being an orphan will make any difference.

Did she think that his family wouldn't accept her ,if she is an orphan.

His family was ready to welcome an orphan Kiara. Shouldn't that tell something??

Soon he saw the other three coming towards him

He so wanted to ask Drishti to tell him everything right away.

But she looked distressed. Her eyes doesn't have that usual mischevious sparkle now.

And that somehow troubled him

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now