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By the time Drishti got dressed and reached the formal dining hall, Tej and Shravan had already started having their tea.

Shravan looked up at Drishti and then glanced at his grandfather

In his own time Tej Maheswari lifted his gaze and glared at Drishti

"Sit down." The old man radiated control and authority and Drishti stood rigid for a moment, feeling like a schoolgirl called to the headmaster's office.

Seeing the she had made no movement, Tej Maheswari repeated his order

"Sit down"

Cowed by his icy tone, Drishti plopped onto the chair. Without thinking, she toed off her shoes and crossed her legs under her so that she was balanced on the seat.

"You need to learn to-" He broke off as he saw the way she was sitting. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting. You told me to sit. I sat."

"I told you to sit, not take your shoes off." Tension throbbed beneath the surface of his rigidly controlled frame and Drishti wondered what it took to make the old man relax.

"My feet hurt. That's partly your fault because I was rushed to reach here because you were waiting. I was wearing my high heels and I had to run through the garden and the palace corridors to reach our bedroom. And then I had to rush back the same way because all my other shoes are still packed and I didn't get time to unpack. And I didn't bring hiking boots and your garden is the size of a park. This is how I sit. I'm making myself comfortable." Drishti defended herself

Shravan closed his eyes waiting for his grandfather to explode

He saw his grandfather taking in deep breaths to control his temper

He quickly held Drishti's hand in his and shot a warning look at her, to which she simply frowned in confusion

"When I ask you to join me for tea, or lunch or dinner, whatever it is, I expect you to do it" Tej Maheswari said

"Honestly? I had every intention to join you for the lunch. And if you must know I did put my head round the dining room door before I went into the garden. But I lost my nerve after seeing this room"

"It requires nerve to enter my dining room?" Tej asked raising an eyebrow

"There is a whole army of forks on the table. And knives. And four different glasses" Drishti mumbled.

"Why on earth a person needs that much cutlery I have no idea unless you were just trying to intimidate me" Drishti added

There was a long, loaded silence as the two men stared at her in bewilderment

"So you're happy to elbow your way onto the communal wedding ceremony and hijack the bride and take her place, but you won't walk into a room laid for lunch?"

"That's completely different. That was a necessity to unite two lovers. This is another matter. I don't eat in formal dining rooms being stared at by dead people."

Astonishment flickered across his face.

"Dead people?"

"All these portraits. The people are all dead, aren't they?" Drishti asked looking at all the multiple portraits hung around the formal room.

"Yes, but-"

"It's very unsettling. In my house we have family photos but they're all of people who are alive. Paa, Maa, my sister-actually, there are pictures of Dad Mom and my grandparents, but that doesn't count because at least I knew them. There's something truly weird about having nothing but dead people staring down at you while you eat"

"I'm confused" he drawled softly. "Is your problem with the 'dead people' or the place setting?"

"Both." Came the prompt reply

"I refuse to remove the portraits. They are our ancestors. But I can get you help to navigate the glasses and cutlery. It's very easy. The simple rule is that you start at the outside and work your way in. Don't put your elbows on the table and-" he frowned at her "-don't bite your nails"

Shravan stared at his grandfather in astonishment. His grandfather is giving Drishti lessons on etiquette.

"I'm supposed to use a knife and fork for that too?" Drishti asked cheekily

"I can't believe you were scared of my dining room."

"Not scared exactly." Drishti bristled at the thought. "I'm not scared of anything. There's a big difference between scared and uncomfortable."

"If you say so" Tej Maheswari said leaning back on the chair and watching the young girl closely

His daughter in law had talked so highly about the girl. But he didn't take that into consideration. How can Anuradha come to a conclusion only seeing her for half a day.

So he had waited to see it for himself

The girl is a troublemaker, no doubt. But he could see that she makes Shravan happy.

He had been in contact with Rajesh, the caretaker he had arranged for Shravan in Bangalore.

And he had heard from Rajesh and his wife that the young couple seemed very happy.

Also she is from a good well settled family. So there is no worry on her trying to take advantage of Shravan

The girl is rich on her own terms.

"How did your parents take the news on your wedding?" Tej Maheswari asked

"They were worried at first. Now they are happy" Shravan said before Drishti could fall headlong into long explanation of her parent's love story along with the fact that she is the baby of their sin.

"Knowing their daughter, it might not have come entirely as a surprise for them" Tej taunted making Drishti frown

"My parents are cool. They respect my wishes and decisions rather than forcing theirs on me in the name of silly things like family honor" Drishti didn't hold back in the taunt department

"Drishti" Shravan hissed

"What? What I'm saying is true. He is trying to put the entire blame on me. When he is the main culprit. If he hadn't had a meltdown regarding the Maheswari honor, this wouldn't have happened. Would it?" Drishti asked

"Maybe if you hadn't hijacked the bride, this wouldn't have happened" Tej said

"Maybe. But then three lives would have been ruined. I did what I did to save their love." Drishti said

"Dadu. I think it's time for your evening walk? Yes? Shall I call Lalasingh kaka to come and get you?" Shravan intervened before the argument could go out of control.

Without waiting for any response, he summoned Lalasingh and ushered Tej Maheswari out of the formal dining hall after shooting a warning look at Drishti to not open her mouth.


Here goes the next shot

Drishti managed to get on Tej Maheswari's nerves too🤪

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Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now