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They had landed at the Mumbai airport a few minutes ago.

Drishti and Shravan were sitting at two corners away from each other.

Drishti had fallen asleep listening to the music and Shravan had kept working, his anger driving him more.

He looked at her sleeping and looked back at the laptop angrily

Why does everything has to go her way? So what if he wanted to build a resort at the damn island. He is not asking her to give him the island for free.

Why isn't she looking into the pros of the whole deal. The people there would benefit greatly from the island.
Why does she have to be selfish just because she wants a peaceful holiday destination to herself.

Shravan was getting annoyed with every passing minute.

The resort at D Love will be a huge mark in his career. Giving that up is not an option.

Isha had once mentioned about buying the bare island nearby. But that place doesn't have the charm of D Love. The culture and handicrafts of D love would be one great attraction for the tourists.

His phone pinged indicating an incoming message. It was from his father, stating that they are caught up in the traffic and would reach in half an hour.

Shravan shifted his attention back to his laptop.

By the time the elder Maheswaris stepped into the jet, Drishti was already awake and stealing glances at Shravan who is focused on his laptop

Did she over react? Maybe she should have explained the significance of D Love in her life. Then he might have understood. Or better yet, she should take him to D Love. Then he will definitely understand that the place is special.

"Shravan" Drishti called

"I'm busy Drisht" Shravan said without looking at her making Drishti huff in annoyance

Well, she atleast tried. No one can blame her for not trying to solve the fight, Drishti thought and turned away.

Anuradha Maheswari looked at her son and daughter in law, on either side of the aisle, sitting as if they are strangers. Her lips thinned in annoyance.

"Your son, I tell you Pratap ji. I don't know what to do with him. His very gorgeous wife is sitting there and he has his focus on that bloody laptop. At this rate, I'm not going to get my grand children any time soon" Anuradha whispered furiously to her husband

"Anu. They have known each other for what? Hardly two weeks. You don't expect them to get close so soon, do you?" Pratap asked shaking his head

"Why can't they? They are giving this marriage a try, aren't they. Then why are they sitting miles apart from each other" Anuradha asked

"Anu, let them go at their pace. Don't interfere in their life okay. Neither of them wanted this marriage. It happened by accident. Yet they are giving it a try. Be thankful for that" Pratap said and Anuradha huffed

Drishti looked up hearing the whispers and saw her in laws

"Anuradha aunty. You reached?" Drishti rushed to her excitedly and hugged her mother in law

"We just reached. How are you Drishti?" They both exchanged pleasantries and then Anuradha turned to her son who was watching them with a poker face

"Shravu. Won't you greet your mother?" Anuradha asked

"You seemed busy mom" Shravan said

"Don't tell me you are jealous" Drishti taunted cheekily earning an eye roll in return


They landed in Jodhpur by late afternoon. They had their lunch in the flight.

"Tej saab wanted to meet you two in the main dining hall for tea, Shravan baba" the butler said addressing both Shravan and Drishti

"We will be there" with that said, Shravan lead Drishti to his bedroom.

"Take rest for a while and meet us in the main dining hall by five" Shravan said politely and turned to leave the room.

Drishti stared at his retreating back and wanted to scream.

He is back to his icy polite tone.

"Damn you Shravan Maheswari. Damn you" Drishti screamed at him.

Shravan looked at her impressively

"Take a shower and calm down Drishti. And meet us for tea at five" he said and left the room.

She quickly took a shower and walked out of the room. On the way, she asked a house help, where the main dining room is. She had a quick look at the place and left towards the formal garden which she could see through the glass windows.

As she walked into the garden, she felt she was transported back to her teenage, where she would spend her time with Maa in her garden. They have a huge garden at their home, where her mother grows all kinds of flowers for her shop.

She spotted the gardener soon enough and began chatting with him

"Wow. Isn't that flame lily?" Drishti asked seeing the flower having wavy petals with orange, red to hot pink hues with a yellow base. Its flower consists of alternately arranged six petals that have an outer turning tendency.

The gardner looked at Drishti in surprise

"You know it? It's a very rare flower" the old man asked

"My mother is a florist. She has all the flowers in her garden. I know many of them too. This one has medicinal effects too, doesn't it?" Drishti asked remembering her mother making a paste of the flower and applying it on an allergic rash Damini once developed

"Yes yes. It is used in ayurvedic medication for treating wounds, itches and even arthritis" the man said

"Yeah. I remember Maa telling me once" Drishti said, and then her eyes spotted the huge fountain near the rose garden

"Wow." Her eyes widened at the beauty

"That fountain is the pride of this garden" the old man said proudly

"Its so huge. Almost like a swimming pool. I'm so gonna dive in" Drishti said excitedly, totally forgetting her fight with Shravan.

"Oh no dear. It is an ornamental fountain. No one has ever gone into it" the old man said

"An order from Tej Maheswari??" Drishti asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief

Nothing or no one is going to stop her from jumping into that fountain.

"This fountain was built in the nineteenth century. Italian workers were flown over specifically for the intrinsic art work. The palace grounds are opened once in a month for public visitors" the old man said

"That day is not today right?" Drishti asked with a grin

"Oh no dear. If Tej Saab knows, he will be very angry"

"He doesn't have to know. This will be a secret between us. Just you and me??" Drishti asked with her puppy eyes making the old man melt.

"I will stand guard over there. I will give you a signal if someone comes. When you get the signal, run. Okay?" The old man asked

"Oh thank you so much kaka" Drishti said hugging the life out of the man


Here goes the next shot.

Who is going to drag Drishti out of the fountain 🤪

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now