The Owlet

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The next day, Sarah worked at the bookstore then after her shift, she rushed over to their local baby store and bought the new Owlet baby monitor.

She then rushed over to Jessica's house to deliver it to her.

Evan let Sarah in and led her to the living room where Jessica was nursing Victoria.

"I was able to find two of the monitors left." Sarah said as she sat next to Jessica. "One for you and one for us."

Jessica takes the box with her free hand and looks at the box.

"Thank you so much, Sarah." Jessica said. "I'll pay you back once Victoria is done eating."
"You're welcome, and don't worry about it." Sarah said with a smile.
"Are you sure, Sarah?" Jessica asked.
"Yes." Sarah chuckled. "Think of it as a very late baby shower gift."

"Again, thank you." Jessica said as she leaned to give Sarah a hug.
"Of course! Anything for my baby niece!" Sarah said in a baby voice.

She then leaned down and kissed the top of Victoria's head. Victoria tried to look up at Sarah but she only cooed a bit then went back to suckling.

"She's like, aunt Sarah, I'm eating." Sarah laughed. "I'll talk to you when I'm done."

Jessica and Evan laughed then Evan asked."Would you like something to drink?"
"No thanks, Evan." Sarah replied. "I'm good."

Evan nods then leaves Jessica and Sarah alone. He saw that the grass in their yard was in need to be cut. So he went upstairs to change into some work clothes.

Once alone, Jessica asked. "How's Emma?"
"She's doing so well." Sarah replied enthusiastically. "She's eight months and the baby is doing great. Oh! Tomorrow we finally find out the gender of the baby! Last few appointments, the baby was being so stubborn and wouldn't show us what they are." She laughs. "So hopefully the baby cooperates with us this time around. If they do, then tomorrow for dinner we will be doing a gender reveal with cake for dessert. We would love it if you, Evan and Victoria can join us."

"Thank you. Of course we will join you." Jessica replied with a smile. Victoria was done nursing so Jessica fixed her bra and blouse then she placed a burp rag on her shoulder. Then she brought Victoria up to her shoulder and began to pat her on her back to burp her.

They talk for a few more minutes then Sarah leaves home. She and Lily were having a date night so she had to go get ready.

Jessica heard the lawn mower and knew Evan was cutting the grass. She sinks back into her sofa and Victoria burps loudly.

"Whoa!" Jessica giggles. "That sounded like a good one. Good girl."

She then brings Victoria down into her arms and she just stared at her baby girl. Victoria stared right back and a small smile appears on the baby's face.

"Oh my goodness! You're so beautiful." Jessica said. "I still can't believe you are mine." She smiles down at the baby and gently caresses the baby's cheek. "I'm so happy to be your mommy."

Victoria coos and stretched a little. Jessica smiled more then kisses the baby's forehead.

Victoria yawns and her flutter close. Jessica lays her on her chest and rocks her. Victoria soon falls asleep, and Jessica just relishes the feeling of having her daughter in her arms.

Later that night, Jessica had read all the instructions of the owlet monitor.

Evan was on their bed, with Victoria who was laying on a pillow to prop her up. He was still kind of scared to do anything with her. But he was getting better. He held her more and just watched her for Jessica so she could do some things for herself. Sure it was only a day of stepping up but he felt he was making progress.

He was currently reading the Cat in the Hat to Victoria after her bath. She cooed up at him as he read to her and it made Jessica's heart melt.

She had just set up the screen monitor on her nightstand. It was already on and it was ready to use and all was needed was to turn on the little sock that would go onto Victoria's foot.

(Please note that the Owlet monitor connects to an app on your phone but since I didn't set a time frame for this story, I decided to just pretend that the owlet comes with a screen monitor. Since I've never mentioned them having a cellphone.)

Jessica then turned her attention to Evan who had just closed the book.

"I think she loves listening to you read to her." Jessica said. "Look how content she is." Victoria was so relaxed and she looked at Evan as she moves her legs and arms. "You should read to her each night. This could be our nighttime routine."

"Yeah! I like that idea." Evan said with excitement.

Jessica kissed his lips then she reached for Victoria. She took her into her arms then began to unbutton her pajama top. She got the baby settled at her breast and Victoria suckled hungrily.

After, Jessica burped her, she then made sure Victoria had a dry diaper. Victoria's eyelids began to droop so Jessica grabbed the sock monitor. She then placed Victoria down for a moment to put the sock on her tiny foot. Victoria fussed a little from not being in her mother's arms.

"Hey, it's okay baby girl." Jessica said softly. "I'm just going to put this sock on you so daddy and I can sleep better at night." She then straps on the sock and sees the screen on her nightstand. She can see everything on the screen; the baby's heart rate and her oxygen levels.

Jessica breathes a sigh of relief, although she wasn't sure if it would worked through the night. She hoped things would go well.

Jessica then does a test to see how well it worked. She stuck her pinky finger in between the sock and baby's foot and gently pulled the sock. Evan watches on.

A loud beep begins to fill the room which startled Victoria and she begins to cry. Jessica looks at the monitor and sees the difference.

She quickly lets go and the sock goes back to it's original state. The beeping stops and Jessica makes sure the sock is secure again.

She quickly picks up Victoria and bounces her gently. "Mommy is sorry. It's okay. Shhhh..." she said. "Mommy just had to make sure this machine works. You're okay. It's okay."

The baby settles down and soon she begins to drift off to sleep with the gentle bouncing nothing Jessica was doing. Evan moves closer to Jessica's side and stares down at his daughter.

He then looks over at the screen and for the first time in a while, he felt at ease. He knew he needed this and was glad that Sarah had gotten the Owlet for them.

That night, Evan was able to sleep through the night. Except for the times that the baby woke up for her feedings.

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